Items tagged with Correctional facilities

Concern over high TB prevalence in prisons in Uganda (post)

Kampala. Prisons authorities have expressed concern over the high prevalence of tuberculosis (TB) among inmates due to overwhelming numbers.

The TB ‘health crisis’ in Latin American jails (post)

High rates of tuberculosis (TB) in Latin American prisons are subverting efforts to control the disease in the wider population, and constitute a “health and human rights crisis”, a study warns.

TB in Irish prisons: New study recommends increased testing (post)

Investigators from Trinity College Dublin, the Irish Mycobacteria Reference Laboratory, St James’s Hospital,  and the Department of Public Health HSE East believe tuberculosis (TB) care in Irish Prisons should be supported, considering the findings of their study which is published in the International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease.

South Africa’s prisons are a breeding ground for the spread of TB. Our model shows how (post)

South African prisons are famously overcrowded. Prison populations are believed to exceed capacity by an overall 33%, although that number jumps to over 200% at some facilities, according to recent reports.

Scaling up evidence-based approaches to TB screening in prisons (post)

A viewpoint, published in The Lancet Public Health, reviewed the evidence base for TB screening and diagnostic strategies in prisons, highlighting promising approaches and knowledge gaps.

Nearly half of TB cases in prisons worldwide go undetected (post)

In the first global assessment of TB among incarcerated people, a new study found consistently high TB case rates and low case detection in prisons, suggesting the need for health organizations to increase efforts to reduce the spread of TB among this high-risk population.

Global prison TB surge exposes WHO guidelines gap (post)

Despite increasing TB rates in prisons across the globe, current World Health Organization (WHO) TB prevention guidelines fail to reach incarcerated populations. Programs should instead prioritize them, argue a group of researchers from a range of global institutions.

People deprived of liberty are at very high risk of TB, even years after release (post)

Incarcerated people are at an alarmingly high risk of tuberculosis (TB) and this risk persists for years after their release, according to a study conducted in Paraguay and led by the Universidad Nacional de Asunción and the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal), an institution supported by “la Caixa Foundation.” The results, published in The Lancet Regional Health, call for urgent and effective TB control measures to protect the health of imprisoned people and their communities.

Research links prison time with increase of TB (post)

Tuberculosis, the main cause of death due to a single pathogen globally, causes more than 1.5 million deaths each year. New research from the University of Cincinnati finds that being in prison or being a former prisoner is responsible for high rates of multidrug-resistant (MDR) TB.

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