Items tagged with Correctional facilities

Azerbaijan brings quality tuberculosis care to prisons (post with simple image)

Tuberculosis (TB) is a major health problem in many of the world’s prisons: infection rates can be more than 10 times higher than in the general population. Frequently overcrowded and poorly ventilated, many prisons lack early detection and sound treatment programmes to combat the disease – even though many prisoners come from population groups that are already at high risk of TB infection and disease, such as people who inject drugs or are homeless.

Misery, tuberculosis in prisons of war-torn east Ukraine (post with simple image)

ZHDANIVKA, Ukraine (AP) — The colony of cats living on the grounds of the Zhdanivka penitentiary disappeared when battles in east Ukraine peaked. Talk in the prison is that inmates ate them when food deliveries stopped.

South Africa: Unlikely perk of prison life: Free, speedy TB treatment (post with simple image)

Zuphe Ngwada’s eyes follow the movement of his shoes as they sway back and forth beneath him. Sitting on a bench, hands firmly gripping the metal frame on either side of his lap, Ngwada (21) stares at his sneakers as they disappear underneath the wooden planks only to jut out in front of him seconds later.

New report and monitoring tool: HIV, HCV, TB and harm reduction in prisons (post with simple image)

Harm Reduction International releases a report identifying some of the most important human rights and public health standards relating to HIV, HCV and TB in prisons, and the vital role of harm reduction provision in ensuring them.

Lancet Series on HIV and related infections in prisoners (post with simple image)

Mass imprisonment of drug users driving global epidemics of HIV, hepatitis, and tuberculosis.

ECDC and EMCDDA make the case for active case finding of communicable diseases in prison (post with simple image)

The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) release a common evidence-based guidance for the prevention and control of communicable diseases in prison settings in the EU/EEA.

TB in Prisons: a People’s Introduction to the Law (post with simple image)

An advocacy tool breaking down legal fundamentals in an accessible and practical way, meant to guide activists through the role of the law in aiding incarcerated populations in the TB response. 

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