Items tagged with Correctional facilities

Guidelines for the management of tuberculosis, human immunodeficiency virus and sexually-transmitted infections in correctional facilities (document)

The guidelines cover the management of tuberculosis (TB), HIV and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in South Africa's 242 correctional facilities.

The guidelines acknowledge that overcrowding, unhygienic conditions and high inmate turn over contribute to the spread of infections diseases within correctional facilities. The document states that voluntary HIV counseling and testing must be offered to all inmates when they enter facilities, during their incarceration at an inmate’s request and upon their release. All newly diagnosed inmates must also be screened to TB. Inmates who do not meet HIV treatment initiation requirements must receive CD4 testing every six months to determine if they subsequently qualify for HIV treatment.

Isoniazid preventive therapy must be given to all HIV-infected adults who are not on TB treatment; are asymptomatic for TB; have no active liver disease and no history of alcohol abuse, psychosis, convulsions or neuropathy.

Similarly, all inmates must be screened for TB symptoms upon entry to facilities and at least bi-annually thereafter as well as upon release. Universal screening for anal, oral and genital STIs must be done at entry and upon self-presentation.

Ukraine: The challenges of treating prisoners with drug-resistant TB (post with simple image)

Since June 2012, MSF has been treating prisoners and ex prisoners with drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB) in the Donetsk region of Ukraine. Paola Mermati, MSF’s Field Coordinator in Donetsk, talks about the challenges of treating such patients successfully.  

TB still major health concern in Indonesia (post with simple image)

Yulinda Santosa was talking enthusiastically to some people in the room. She was eloquent, cheerful and seemed perfectly healthy. It’s hard to believe that until last year she was still suffering from a serious illness that nearly killed her and forced her to put her life on hold for years.

Dudley Lee, who successfully sued government, has died (post with simple image)

OBITUARY Dudley Lee died at the age of 68 on 21 May in Victoria Hospital. He successfully sued the Minister of Correctional Services because he became ill with tuberculosis (TB) while awaiting trial in Pollsmoor prison.

Opinion: TB behind bars (post with simple image)

Despite court-mandated moves by government to stem the tuberculosis (TB) epidemic, a recent Treatment Action Campaign (TAC) investigation has found just eight doctors serve the Department of Correctional Services.

South Africa: Thousands of prisoners may have undiagnosed TB (post with simple image)

TAC and Section27 have delivered the second of two civil society memorandums at the South African TB Conference: "A prison sentence should not be a death sentence: We need a serious, urgent, public and monitored plan to stop TB in prisons".

SA mine TB rate highest in world (post with simple image)

Parliament - For every worker who dies each year as a result of an accident on a South African mine, nine more die of tuberculosis, Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi said on Thursday.

Outdated approaches fuelling TB in Russia, say NGOs (post with simple image)

TB is a major health threat in Russia, where it is the leading infectious disease killer. The country has the highest rates of MDR-TB and XDR-TB in Europe and the third highest in the world. It also has the 11th highest burden of all TB in the world.

In the footsteps of Dudley Lee: prisoners to sue government (post with simple image)

Several prisoners intend suing the Department of Justice and Correctional Services because they contracted tuberculosis (TB) in prison.

South Africa: Pledge to turn tide in the war on TB (post with simple image)

Every prisoner in the country will be screened for tuberculosis from next month. If inmates test positive, their families will be tracked and also tested for the disease.

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