Items tagged with Correctional facilities

Experts call for global drug policy reform as evidence shows 'war on drugs' has harmed public health and human rights (post)

--Drug laws intended to protect have contributed to lethal violence, disease transmission, discrimination, forced displacement and undermined people's right to health
--Non-violent minor drug offences should be decriminalised and health and social services for drug users strengthened

‘A huge improvement’: study finds inmates benefit from much shorter TB treatment (post)

Jails and federal prisons in California and elsewhere are adopting new treatment guidelines for latent tuberculosis infection based on research showing that it can be treated effectively during a much shorter period.

‘Significant success’ in reducing TB and HIV in South Africa’s prisons (post)

Data presented at a five-day stakeholder meeting shows ‘significant success in screening and treatment for tuberculosis in Free State, Northern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal prisons.

CDC: TB treatment for prisoners found inferior (post)

One might think that it would be easier to complete a long course of treatment in patients who are literally captive than among free-roaming people in the community, but that apparently is not the case -- at least when it comes to treating tuberculosis.

ECDC: Systematic review on the diagnosis, treatment, care and prevention of TB in prison settings (post)

People in prisons have a higher prevalence of several communicable diseases than the general population.

How prison conditions fuel the TB epidemic (post)

Dozens of men crammed into a small, dark, window-less prison cell, peering out from the barred doorway, pleading looks on their sweaty faces. In a week-long research trip to Haiti in 2016, a colleague and I toured the largest prison in Port-au-Prince, and this is the image I cannot forget.

Malawi: Court stops hospitals from returning patients with MDR-TB to prison (post)

ZOMBA, 12 October 2018 – The Malawi High Court yesterday granted an urgent interim injunction preventing the return of six persons diagnosed with multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) to prison.

Incarceration for low-level drug crimes rapidly spreading TB in Brazil (post)

Increasing rates of drug-related incarcerations are perpetuating tuberculosis (TB) infection among Brazil’s general population, a new report, Reservoirs of Injustice, from the Yale Global Health Justice Partnership (GHJP) at the Yale School of Public Health and Yale Law School finds.

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