Items tagged with Access

Addressing TB and drug-resistant TB in the Eastern Ukrainian region (post)

27 January 2015 - The challenges in addressing the implementation of comprehensive HIV, TB and viral hepatitis prevention and treatment activities in the Eastern Ukraine affected by the warfare is complicated and escalating every week. With damaged transport routes between the settlements and a critical humanitarian situation, the International HIV/AIDS Alliance in Ukraine (Alliance-Ukraine) continues to support the operations of HIV prevention projects on behalf of 13 regional NGOs. Alliance-Ukraine also provide lifesaving TB and MDR-TB drugs to support the National TB program.

Tuberculosis: a joint MSF/Ministries of Health symposium to discuss new treatments and approaches in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (post)

A medical forum in Armenia gathers health authorities and specialists to discuss tuberculosis, one of the main public health issues in the region. New drugs and therapeutic approaches give hope of better treatment outcomes. Joint and renewed efforts are needed to obtain a better access to the most effective drugs and new treatment regimens for the resistant form of the disease.

Medical supplies from WHO reach Donetsk as part of UN aid convoy (post)

Several metric tonnes of medical aid procured by WHO reached Donetsk in Ukraine this week as part of the convoy of humanitarian aid delivered by UN agencies. WHO’s contribution consisted of HIV and tuberculosis medical products, HIV test systems and drugs to treat infections in people with weak immunity.

In 21st century no one should die for lack of access to medicines, participants at UN forum say (post)

Last week’s 2015 Social Forum led by the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) called for urgent action to facilitate access to medicines. In particular, the functioning of the intellectual property system was put into question. A number of recommendations were drawn by the secretariat after having been identified by participants.

TRIPS in question during social forum discussion on access to medicines (post)

Intellectual property rights are hindering access to medicines by maintaining monopolies and high prices, according to speakers at an annual United Nations forum on human rights last week. Flexibilities enshrined in the World Trade Organization intellectual property agreement are hampered by political and economical pressure, they said, and a new system should be devised for pharmaceutical products.

New quiet initiative to improve drug access in middle-income countries, change country classification system (post)

This week a confidential high-level expert meeting was convened in Geneva to start work on a potential change in the country classification used by global health actors to remedy the growing problem of access to medicines in middle-income countries.

WTO least-developed countries request waiver of IP rights on pharma products (post)

This week at the World Trade Organization intellectual property committee meeting, least-developed countries submitted a request to extend a waiver allowing them not to enforce intellectual property rights on pharmaceutical products. The countries have extended the waiver before, but this time they are seeking to make it indefinite, until they are no longer considered LDCs.

Pharma narrowly defines when compulsory licenses should be used (post)

As the U.S. Trade Representative holds a hearing today to discuss how countries protect intellectual property, the pharmaceutical industry hopes to persuade the agency that countries should only be allowed to grant licenses to companies to make low-cost generic drugs when there is a health emergency. That posture, however, contradicts the position taken by the World Health Organization.

Global health partners begin building a new approach to ensure equitable access to medicines (post)

Global health partners met in Geneva to begin the process of building a new approach to better determine health needs and constraints and addressing them in countries.

Why the request by least developed countries for an extension of the transitional period for granting and enforcing medicines patents needs to be supported (post)

On 24 February 2015 Bangladesh on behalf of the 34 Least Developed Country members (LDCs) of the World Trade Organization (WTO) submitted a request for an extension of the transitional period under article 66.1 TRIPS with respect to pharmaceutical products until the country is no longer classified as LDC.[1] The original extension, set to expire on 1st January 2016, specifically removes the obligation for LDCs to comply with Section 5 (Patents) and Section 7 (Protection of Undisclosed Information) of Part II of TRIPS, including any obligation to enforce rights under these provisions.

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