Items tagged with Access

Successful WHO drug prequalification programme deemed at risk (post)

A 12-year-old World Health Organization programme for prequalifying medical products has helped international organisations and others to safely purchase billions of US dollars’ worth of quality medicines per year, but now is at risk due to funding shortages, a new study released today found.

South African pharma firms accused of planning to delay patents law reform (post)

Drug companies in South Africa have been accused of planning a covert, well-funded campaign to delay the introduction of laws that threaten their profits. Leaked documents show that pharmaceutical companies planned a $450,000 campaign, involving a high-profile consultancy based in Washington, DC, against changes to intellectual property laws that would enable their patents on new medicines to be bypassed in the interests of public health. This would allow the manufacture of cheaper copies of their medicines.

Janssen announces new group targeting unmet global health needs (post)

Janssen Global Public Health to oversee R&D and access strategy development for growing portfolio of transformational medicines

Global health 2035 report: flawed projections (post)

Published online on 3 December, a Lancet Report developed a forward-looking investment agenda to attain dramatic health gains by 2035. The Report emphasises public revenue generation and public financing to be allocated to and within public health budgets especially for the poor populations in the low- and middle-income countries. And it asks for measures including, among others: full exemption of out-of-pocket expenses for the poor; poor-friendly pathways towards universal health coverage; heavy taxation on tobacco and other harmful substances; and reduction or elimination of energy subsidies on air-polluting fuels.

WHO chief: No government should be intimidated for doing “right thing” in public health (post)

Discussions on access to essential medicines yesterday at the World Health Organization were in some ways overshadowed by the recent leak of a global pharmaceutical campaign aimed at derailing efforts by the South African government to revise its intellectual property policy. WHO Director General Margaret Chan strongly supported South Africa, as did several developing countries, while developed countries remained silent on the subject.

WHO Board adopts resolution on medicines access after TRIPS flexibilities debate (post)

The sometimes tense issue of intellectual property rights flexibilities built into international trade rules on IP briefly threatened to trip up a proposal on access to medicines today at the World Health Organization. But members managed to steer the debate to consensus on a text that will now head to the full membership for approval in May.

IFRC and Global Fund target tuberculosis treatment for all in Niger (post)

Geneva – The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria have signed a grant agreement to fund universal treatment for tuberculosis (TB) in Niger, a country with one of the worst rates of TB in West Africa.

MSF Director: 'We are losing the battle' for cheap drugs in developing world (post)

José Antonio Bastos, head of doctors without borders (MSF) in Spain, has spoken out against big pharmaceutical companies that "only think in terms of profit" and pay little attention to "real health needs" of the population in developing countries, EurActiv Spain reports.

Big Pharma pushes for U.S. action against India over patent worries (post)

Global pharmaceutical firms are pressuring the United States to act against India to stop more local companies producing up to a dozen new varieties of cheap generic drugs still on-patent, sources with direct knowledge of the matter said.

Lesotho achieves sustainable financing for procurement of TB drugs (post)

February 17 - Lesotho/Geneva - Lesotho has become one of the first Low Middle Income Countries from the African region to be able to make a transition into self-financing, for the procurement of adult first line drugs for tuberculosis without further dependence on a grant from the Global Drug Facility.

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