Items tagged with Access

EHRN calls SIIC for a Partnership Forum in EECA (post)

EHRN addressed a letter to SIIC, whereby it strongly recommends considering the need to hold a Partnership Forum in EECA for the region to engage with the development of the Global Fund Strategy 2017-2021

South Africa awaits patent reforms with hope, concern (post)

CAPE TOWN – South Africa’s new policy on patents could go to the Cabinet for approval soon, says Doctors without Borders (Médecins Sans Frontières, MSF), one of the organisations spearheading the Fix the Patent Laws campaign in the country.

Coming soon: Bangkok Commitments 2015 on access to pharmaceutical services (post)

06 March 2015 - Bangkok - National TB Program managers from different countries, procurement and supply chain management specialists, and data managers, came together in Bangkok for a week-long conference to exchange experiences on ways to increase access to pharmaceutical services including medicines and diagnostics.

Namibia: Minister moots free TB, HIV treatment for Angolans (post)

Namibia’s outgoing Health and Social Services Minister, Dr Richard Kamwi has reiterated his call for the provision of free Tuberculosis (TB) and HIV/Aids treatment to Angolan citizens.

New drugs still out of reach for most in India, world TB hotspot (post)

The case of a Mumbai tailor cured of an extremely resistant form of tuberculosis this week has revived debate over a new drug to which the Indian government has limited access, prompting calls for change.

Action necessary to stem TB tide in Ukraine (post)

Healthcare infrastructure in eastern Ukraine has suffered a devastating blow over the course of the year-long conflict near the Russian border that was sparked by pro-democracy protests in Ukraine, according to a recent Human Rights Watch report. The U.N. estimates that up to 80% of local health workers have been evacuated from the area, and those who remain endure dire shortages of supplies that exacerbate the humanitarian crisis throughout the region.

Khayelitsha clinic leads the way for new TB drug (post)

Drug-resistant tuberculosis is a major health challenge across much of Africa, but a new medicine being pioneered in South Africa could be a breakthrough after decades of frustration.

MSF response to Indian Prime Minister’s visit to Germany and EU India FTA negotiations (post)

Berlin/New Delhi, 13-April-15: On the occasion of the visit of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Germany, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) calls on German Chancellor Angela Merkel to refrain from pushing for harmful IP provisions in the EU-India free trade agreement which is currently under negotiation. The EU-India Free Trade Agreement (FTA) has been in negotiations since 2007. From the outset, the European Commission has pushed to include provisions that would undermine India’s ability to produce affordable medicines on which millions of people in developing countries rely.

WHO reviews its Essential Medicines List; Some new candidates under patent (post)

The World Health Organization is reviewing its list of essential medicines this week. Over 70 candidate medicines are expected to be assessed by an Expert Committee. Some of those medicines are under patent and highly priced, which poses an accessibility challenge.

Industry asks for clarity on LDC request to extend TRIPS pharma waiver (post)

Least developed countries (LDCs) at the World Trade Organization have requested that a waiver allowing them to not enforce intellectual property rights on pharmaceutical products be extended beyond its deadline of 1 January 2016. The brand pharmaceutical industry has published a statement that it supports access to medicines for LDCs but does not see the need for this extension as LDCs already benefit from a WTO waiver on all products until 2021.

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