Items tagged with Access

India: 1st in 50 years: Nod for new tuberculosis drug (post)

With cases of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) and extensively drug-resistant TB (XDR-TB) threatening the country, Bedaquiline the first anti-TB drug manufactured after Rifampicin (almost 50 years ago) has been approved for use in India. Bedaquiline is so far approved in the US, EU and other major countries. In a recent meeting, India’s apex committee on drugs recommended waiver of local clinical trials for the drug and suggested its use under the government’s run programme for TB.

Stop subsidizing Big Pharma (post)

WASHINGTON — ROBERT J. BEALL, the president and chief executive of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, called his recent decision to sell the royalty rights to his organization’s research a “game changer.” Indeed: Deals like this, in which an investment company paid the foundation $3.3 billion for its future royalties from several cystic fibrosis drugs it helped finance, could revolutionize the way medical research is funded. Rather than the staid model of government-funded institutions handing out grants to academic research facilities, a new breed of “venture philanthropies” like the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation could corral private investment into developing lifesaving drugs quickly and cheaply.

India’s draft IP policy shows major changes coming, while fitting IP system to local needs (post)

The first draft of a national intellectual property rights policy being developed by a “think tank” of Indian IP experts shows adherence to the country’s principles of bending the IP system to its local needs. But it also shows signs of major change toward more international goals of enforcement and promotion of strong IP rights.

Five more drugs get local clinical trial waiver for importing, marketing in India (post)

The Union Health Ministry accorded permission to five more drugs—chronic hepatitis C drug Sofosbuvir, prostrate cancer drug Enzalutamide, cutaneous T-cell lymphoma drug Vorinostat, pulmonary tuberculosis drug Bedaquiline tablets 100 mg and Haemophilia drug Rixubis—for importing and marketing in India without local clinical trial on Indian population.

Europe to boost international cooperation on generics (post)

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) is ready to share its assessments of applications for generic medicines in real time with collaborating regulatory agencies outside the European Union (EU). This initiative aims to facilitate the timely authorisation and availability of safe, effective and high quality generic medicines worldwide.

Ahead of Obama visit, MSF warns US pressure on India could impact access to medicines for millions (post)

New Delhi, 21 January, 2014—Ahead of US President Obama’s visit to India, the international medical humanitarian organisation Médecins Sans Frontières/ Doctors Without Borders (MSF) expressed deep concern over the US government’s heightened efforts  to undermine access to affordable medicines from India—often called the ‘pharmacy of the developing world.’ Millions of people across the globe rely on Indian low-cost generics, just as MSF relies on these to carry out its medical work.

At high profile India US CEO meeting, President Obama calls for tougher intellectual property protection despite deadly impact on public health (post)

Press Statement: For Immediate Release: January 27 2015
Contact: Matthew Kavanagh, +1 202-486-2488,
Asia Russell, +1 267 475 2645,

A new index measures impact pharma has on infectious diseases (post)

The pharmaceutical industry regularly boasts that its efforts to develop treatments for infectious diseases in poor nations are making a difference. But for those wondering how to gauge those efforts, a new metric has been created.

Will India bend to US pressure on IP rights? (post)

It is no secret that the United States has been scaling up pressure on India to adopt intellectual property measures similar to those common in the United States and the European Union. But to what extent does India’s new government led by the business-friendly Narendra Modi see eye to eye with US official position? Can India, the “pharmacy of the world”, resolve the friction between pharmaceutical patents and access to affordable medicines without putting off foreign investors? The vitriolic and polarising debate surrounding these questions has got a fresh lease of life following US President Barack Obama’s landmark three-day visit to India this week.

Don't trade away our health (post)

JAN. 30, 2015 - A secretive group met behind closed doors in New York this week. What they decided may lead to higher drug prices for you and hundreds of millions around the world.

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