World Health Organization

WHO announces updates on its guidance on TB care and support

The World Health Organization releases updated guidelines and a new operational handbook on TB care and support to improve the quality of life and better outcomes for people with TB.

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WHO #EndTB webinar: Strengthening TB surveillance

The World Health Organization (WHO), in collaboration with the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria and the University of Oslo, will host a webinar on 8 July 2022 on the guidance, products and support for implementation that is available to countries to fully transition to case-based, digital surveillance systems for TB.

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Report from the scoping consultation on severe bacterial infections among people with advanced HIV disease

The World Health Organization (WHO) convened a scoping consultation on severe bacterial infections (SBIs) in advanced HIV disease (AHD), consulting with academics, program managers and civil society representatives.

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WHO Town Hall for civil society and affected communities on ending TB

On 9 June 2022, the World Health Organization (WHO) will convene a civil society Town Hall on ending TB in close collaboration with the WHO Civil Society Task Force on TB. The Town Hall will be led by WHO Director-General, senior WHO leadership and members of the Task Force.

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WHO stakeholder survey: Target Regimen Profiles for TB treatment

The World Health Organization (WHO) initiated a process of updating the Target Regimen Profiles for TB treatment, initially published in 2016.

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WHO call for expressions of interest: Generation of data to externally validate treatment decision algorithms for TB in children

The World Health Organization's Global TB Program and the Special Program for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases are seeking expressions of interest from independent researchers/research groups, academic institutions or other entities with relevant expertise and experience in conducting research on paediatric TB diagnostic approaches.

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WHO convenes experts to review methods for estimating TB disease burden

A meeting of a subgroup of the World Health Organization (WHO)’s Global Task Force on TB Impact Measurement was held in Geneva, Switzerland on 11-12 May 2022. The meeting focused on an up-to-date review of methods used by WHO to produce TB disease burden estimates. The meeting brought together experts in statistics, modelling and epidemiology from academia, government institutions from high TB burden countries, other technical partners and funding bodies.

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Major improvements in quality of life for people with drug-susceptible TB expected following updates in TB treatment regimens

The updated WHO consolidated guidelines on treatment of drug-susceptible TB include a new recommendation for the use of a 4-month regimen composed of isoniazid, rifapentine, moxifloxacin and pyrazinamid.

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WHO issues Information Note on ensuring continuity of essential TB services for people with or at risk of the disease in Ukraine and refugee-hosting countries

19 May 2022 | Geneva: The World Health Organization (WHO) is working closely with Ukraine, countries hosting refugees, affected populations and partners to rapidly respond to the humanitarian crisis caused by war and minimize disruptions to the delivery of critical health care services. As part of these overarching efforts, WHO is working to enable access to tuberculosis (TB) care services for all people with or at risk of TB within Ukraine and in refugee-hosting countries.

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TB laboratory manuals issued to support the implementation of WHO-recommended diagnostics

The World Health Organization and the Stop TB Partnership’s Global Laboratory Initiative working group release three new manuals to support the implementation of WHO-recommended TB diagnostics.

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