Items tagged with Advocacy

Winter Olympics medallist bikes in India for TB & MSF (post)

"I think if more people knew or understood the gravity of the global TB situation then more people would try to help..." Helen Upperton, Olympic Medallist on raising awareness about TB.

India: Political parties urged to include TB as critical health issue in election manifestos (post)

CHENNAI: The Partnership for TB Care and Control in India (PTCC), a coalition of over 170 organizations from across the country, has appealed to political parties to include tuberculosis as a critical public health issue in their election manifestos.

MSF urges TPP countries not to abandon public health in bid to finalize trade deal (post)

Despite minimal concessions, US demands remain extremely dangerous to all patients’ health across the Asia-Pacific region

4th Global Forum on TB Vaccines (post)

The 4th Global Forum on TB Vaccines will be held in Shanghai, China from 21-24 April 2015. The 4th Global Forum marks the first time that this international gathering of the tuberculosis (TB) vaccine research community will be convened on the Asian continent.

Symposium at Fundación Areces: A new horizon for preventive vaccines against tuberculosis (post)

TBVI, together with Fundación Ramón Areces and the University of Zaragoza, will organise an international symposium on 7-8 May 2014 in Madrid. This symposium will provide a stage to world leaders in the field of new vaccines against TB, to present to the scientific community their efforts and the results of the latest research. Among them are many scientists of TBVI's research partners. This symposium is open to everyone interested in TB vaccine development.

The Union NAR Conference in Boston on 27 February–1 March 2014 (post)

The 18th Annual Conference of The Union North America Region is taking place in Boston, Massachusetts on 27 February – 1 March 2014. The theme of the conference is “Stronger together: Stopping TB from laboratory to clinic”. The conference will provide new insights into the public health and scientific aspects of TB prevention, care and control. Symposia will focus on global TB epidemiology and control, support and management of patients with complex medical and/or behavioural conditions, multi-drug resistance, latency and key developments in laboratory tools and science.

The Union SEAR Conference to be held in Dhaka on 9–12 March 2014 (post)

The 2nd Conference of The Union South-East Asia Region will take place in Dhaka, Bangladesh on 9–12 March 2013. The theme of the conference is “TB in 2050: Challenge to Humanity”. An attractive and diverse conference has been designed by the organising committee. The conference will feature sessions devoted to newly emerging topics such as drug resistance/MDR-TB treatment management, TB in children and LTBI treatment, TB and non-communicable disease/co-morbidities (non-HIV), diabetes and TB, TB nursing and allied professionals, community participation in lung health, the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, MPOWER and tobacco control policies, advocacy, human rights and ethics.

Myanmar: MSF to resume HIV/AIDS and other activities in Kachin, Shan and Yangon, but concerns remain (post)

Yangon/New York, March 1, 2014 -- On February 27, Médecins Sans Frontières Holland (MSF) received a written order from the Union Government of Myanmar to cease all operations in the country, which led to a full closure of all MSF Holland clinics on February 28. This act left patients confused and desperately concerned across the whole country.

Ukraine activists seek stability in HIV/TB funding in face of political turmoil (post)

Ukraine's HIV community including principal recipients of Global Fund grants have formally requested an expediting of the disbursement of Phase 2 funds under Round 10 in order to counteract the potential impact of the current political turmoil roiling the country.

WHO disapproves Kochon prize for Tibetan TB Programme (post)

The nomination by the Kochon selection committee of the Tibetan Tuberculosis Control Programme based at Delek Hospital, Dharamsala, India, for the Stop TB Partnership-Kochon Prize 2013 award—a prize worth US$65 000—for its work for more than 30 years to control tuberculosis in Tibetan refugees is a recognition of an important public health work in a vulnerable population. It could be seen as a thoughtful and much needed investment into a vital organisation directly involved in saving the lives of hundreds of young patients with tuberculosis. This selection was in agreement with the 2013 Kochon prize theme “[Tuberculosis] in conflict and refugee areas”.

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