World Health Organization

Key changes to the treatment of drug-resistant TB

The World Health Organization issues rapid communication on updated guidance for the treatment of drug-resistant TB.

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WHO: Call for expressions of interest

The World Health Organization (WHO) is seeking expressions of interest from individuals or entities with relevant expertise to perform a systematic review of the evidence for the diagnostic accuracy of targeted next-generation sequencing technologies for detection of drug resistance among people diagnosed with TB.

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WHO launches a second report of country success stories in mitigating the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on TB services

27 April 2022 | Geneva: The World Health Organization (WHO) Global TB Programme is pleased to share its second report of country success stories in mitigating the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on TB services.   

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Report of the WHO technical consultation on innovative clinical trial designs for evaluating new TB preventive treatments

The World Health Organization (WHO) Global Tuberculosis Programme, in collaboration with University College London and other partners, convened a virtual technical consultation from 15 to 17 September 2021 that focused on innovative clinical trial designs that could be used for evaluating new tuberculosis (TB) preventive treatments (TPTs).

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WHO webinar: End TB E-learning platform

The World Health Organization (WHO) will host a webinar on 5 May 2022 to present the new WHO's End TB E-learning platform providing access to the new WHO e-courses on TB preventive treatment, TB diagnostics and drug-resistant TB. A question and answer session will also be offered.

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WHO announces updates on optimized broth microdilution plate methodology for drug susceptibility testing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex

12 April 2022 | Geneva:  The broth microdilution plate method represents a promising solution for comprehensive and quality-assured phenotypic drug susceptibility testing in tuberculosis (TB). Using this method up to 12 anti-TB agents can be tested simultaneously providing quantitative levels of resistance and aid individualized patient treatment decisions. The document provides an optimized plate design and standardized methodology to facilitate the improvement of the method for clinical use. The World Health Organization (WHO) calls on manufacturers to take forward this optimized method and make it available for programmatic use in resource-limited settings.

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WHO announces updates on new TB antigen-based skin tests for the diagnosis of TB infection

04 April 2022 | Geneva:  Tuberculosis antigen-based skin tests (TBST), a new class of tests to diagnose TB infection, have been evaluated by the World Health Organization (WHO) and are found to be accurate, acceptable, feasible and cost-effective. These tests represent an alternative to tuberculin skin test (TST) and Interferon-Gamma Release Assays (IGRAs).

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WHO: Call for applications for members to serve on STAG-TB

The World Health Organization’s (WHO) Global TB Program is seeking qualified individuals to serve as members of the Strategic and Technical Advisory Group on TB (STAG-TB).

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On World TB Day WHO calls for increased investments into TB services and research

Release of updated guidance on management of TB in children and adolescents.

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Technical advisory group on development of a WHO roadmap for global introduction of new TB vaccines

The World Health Organization (WHO) is seeking experts to serve as members of the Technical advisory group on development of a WHO roadmap for global introduction of new TB vaccines.

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