World Health Organization

TB action plan for the WHO European Region 2023–2030

The 72nd session of the World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Committee for Europe, held on 12–14 September 2022 in Tel Aviv, Israel, endorsed TB action plan for the WHO European Region 2023–2030, outlining the vision and strategic actions for the region.

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Joint statement: Call for increased political commitment and accountability in preparation for the 2023 UN High-Level Meeting on TB

WHO Director-General and WHO Civil Society Task Force on TB release a joint statement setting collective priorities in preparation for the 2023 UN High-Level Meeting on TB.

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WHO #EndTB webinar: Virtual launch of the Guidance for national strategic planning for TB

The World Health Organization (WHO) will host a webinar on 6 September 2022 to present the updated Guidance for national strategic planning for TB, and share perspectives and experiences from countries, civil society and partners.

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WHO releases updated Guidance for national strategic planning for TB

The World Health Organization (WHO) is releasing new guidance to support national strategic planning for the tuberculosis (TB) response. The guidance encourages the use of a people-centeric focus in the development of national TB strategic plan (NSP). It highlights the importance of government stewardship and ownership, promotes alignment with national health strategy and other health programmes, emphasizes multi stakeholder and multi-sectoral engagement as one of the key steps for multisectoral accountability for TB.

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WHO consultation on guidance development for conducting TB programme reviews

28 July 2022 | Geneva -- Over 130 participants from countries, civil society, affected communities, partners and the private sector joined a virtual consultation organized by WHO’s Global TB Programme on the development of guidance for conducting reviews of TB programmes.

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Guidance, tools and support for countries transitioning to digital, case-based surveillance for TB

26 July 2022 | Geneva -- Over 300 representatives from countries and partners joined the webinar on “Strengthening TB surveillance: supporting countries to transition to case-based, digital surveillance”.

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Call for expressions of interest: Expert(s) to conduct systematic literature reviews of the evidence on TB and diabetes

The World Health Organization (WHO) Global TB Program in collaboration with the Noncommunicable Diseases Department has initiated a process to review the evidence on TB and diabetes and the related interventions to address the joint burden of TB and diabetes.

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Call for expressions of interest: Expert(s) to conduct systematic reviews of the evidence on TB health-related risk factors

The World Health Organization (WHO) Global TB Program has initiated a process to review the evidence on the relative risks of health-related risk factors (alcohol use disorders, diabetes, HIV, tobacco smoking and undernutrition) that drive the TB epidemic globally. WHO is, therefore, seeking expressions of interest from academic institutions or other entities with relevant expertise and experience to perform the systematic reviews, synthesis and quality assessment of the available data.

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Call for submissions: Best practices on the engagement of affected communities and civil society in ending TB

The World Health Organization (WHO) Global TB Program launched a call for submissions of best practices on the engagement of affected communities and civil society to accelerate progress to end TB.

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Urgent call for better use of existing vaccines and development of new vaccines to tackle AMR

The World Health Organization releases the first-ever report on the pipeline of the vaccines currently in development to prevent infections caused by antimicrobial-resistant bacterial pathogens.

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