Médecins Sans Frontières

Beware the Global Fund procurement cliff

Safeguarding supply of affordable quality medicines and diagnostics in context of risky transitions and co-financing.

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MSF technical brief: A rapid TB test for people living with HIV

TB LAM can help close the deadly TB testing gap.

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Crisis of confidence in the WHO's ability to produce normative guidance for the treatment of RR-/MDR-TB

Advocates request an urgent in-person meeting with the WHO leadership to discuss concrete actions to address technical and guideline development process-related issues previously raised.

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Breaking the cycle: Paediatric DR-TB detection, care and treatment in Tajikistan

The Tajik Ministry of Health and Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) began a comprehensive paediatric tuberculosis (TB) care programme in 2011. The paediatric TB project in Dushanbe aims to decrease the TB morbidity and mortality rates among children and their family members. In 2013, MSF documented this, producing a report about improving paediatric TB care.

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Advocates raise serious concerns about errors in the WHO guidelines for the treatment of drug-resistant TB

Advocates call on WHO leadership to act immediately and correct specific technical errors in the WHO guidelines for the treatment of drug-resistant TB.

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MSF: Johnson & Johnson should make TB drug available for all at $1/day

MSF protests at J&J’s annual shareholders meeting to demand a say in how lifesaving TB drug developed with considerable joint efforts, including public funding and MSF operational research, will be made available and affordable.

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TB activists for first time challenge TB drug patent in India

TB activists for first time challenge TB drug patent in India, in bid to prevent Johnson & Johnson from extending monopoly.

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MSF statement at WHO Executive Board 144th Session: Follow-up to the UN High-Level Meeting on TB

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) representatives attended the 144th Session of the World Health Organization (WHO) Executive Board (24 January – 1 February 2019, Geneva, Switzerland) and delivered a statement on the follow-up to the UN High-Level Meeting on TB held in September 2018.

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Vacancy: Consultant - TB Environmental Scan in Canada

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) Canada is looking for a consultant to conduct an environmental scan of the Canadian policy, research, and innovation environment as it pertains to TB drugs, diagnostics, and vaccines; to provide strategic advice to MSF on areas of focus for engaging and shaping the policies and practices that develop and deliver new TB tools.

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HIV and TB treatment at risk as countries gradually lose Global Fund support

Médecins Sans Frontières calls on Global Fund Board to make urgent changes to prevent drug stock-outs and quality issues.

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