Médecins Sans Frontières

Good COPs or Bad COPs webinar: Promoting interventions for co-infections and AIDS in 2020 PEPFAR COPs - webinar materials now available online

Treatment Action Group, Médecins Sans Frontières and Health GAP conducted a webinar on 22 January 2020 on how to engage in PEPFAR Country Operational Plans (COPs) advocacy and promote the prioritization of interventions that address HIV co-infections and AIDS.

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MSF calls on Johnson & Johnson to lower price of lifesaving TB drug

Group protests at New York Stock Exchange as Johnson & Johnson releases earnings report.

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Good COPs or Bad COPs webinar: Promoting interventions for co-infections and AIDS in 2020 PEPFAR COPs

Treatment Action Group, Médecins Sans Frontières and Health GAP will host a webinar on 22 January 2020 on how to engage in PEPFAR Country Operational Plans (COPs) advocacy and promote the prioritization of interventions that address HIV co-infections and AIDS.

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Protestors demand Cepheid halve the price of GeneXpert TB tests to US$5

The high cost of GeneXpert tests for TB leaves open a critical gap in the diagnosis of TB and fails to consider volume of sales and public investments in the development of GeneXpert.

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TB activists disrupt opening of The Union Conference to protest drug corporations keeping life-saving medicines from people

Newer medicines for drug-resistant TB are desperately needed, but barriers to access, including high prices, keep them out of reach for most people around the world. 

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Price announced for new lifesaving TB drug pretomanid still too high

Pretomanid is just one part of a regimen of multiple drugs that people need. MSF has been calling for the price of a complete DR-TB treatment course to be no higher than $500 per person.

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Global campaign launched urging Johnson & Johnson to reduce price of bedaquiline

Médecins Sans Frontières launches a global campaign calling on Johnson & Johnson to lower the price of bedaquiline to no more than US$1 per day.

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TB drug delamanid must be more affordable and made available in more countries

Médecins Sans Frontières acknowledges the lower price offered to the government of South Africa for delamanid, but calls for it to be significantly lower and expanded to all countries in need.

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MSF technical brief: Making the switch

Saving more lives with optimal treatment for drug-resistant TB.

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Vacancy: TB Advocacy Advisor

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is seeking a TB Advocacy Advisor to support MSF TB advocacy through the development and implementation of national, regional and global advocacy action plans.

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