Médecins Sans Frontières

HIV and TB treatment at risk as countries gradually lose Global Fund support

Médecins Sans Frontières calls on Global Fund Board to make urgent changes to prevent drug stock-outs and quality issues.

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Médecins Sans Frontières calls on Johnson & Johnson to cut key TB drug price in half

Warns high prices of TB drugs restrict people's access to best drug-resistant TB treatment.

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Global leaders must make tangible commitments at UN High-Level Meeting on TB

Médecins Sans Frontières calls on governments to scale up TB testing and treatment to save more lives today, and make real commitments to develop more effective and easier-to-use tools to defeat TB tomorrow.

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Médecins Sans Frontières calls for affordable access to critical TB drug bedaquiline

Médecins Sans Frontières to Johnson & Johnson: We need affordable and sustainable supply of bedaquiline.

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Update on contentious negotiations for the UN High-Level Meeting on TB

South Africa breaks the ‘silence’ period and negotiations are re-opened

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At last minute, countries pressured to drop language on protecting access to affordable medicines from TB Summit declaration negotiations

New York, 20 July 2018 — Countries negotiating the final declaration text for the first-ever UN High-level Meeting on Tuberculosis in September are being put under significant pressure to drop all references to protecting countries’ rights to take fully-legal actions to access affordable medicines for their people, Médecins Sans Frontières reported learning today.

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South Africa takes landmark step for access to medicines

MSF applauds effort to ‘take off patent blindfold’ and change patent laws to increase access to affordable medicines

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MSF welcomes Members of the European Parliament response to the US pharmaceutical pressure to stop EU action on high drug prices

6 March 2018 The Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) and the Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO), two US pharmaceutical lobby groups, have requested the US Trade Representative (USTR) to place the European Union (EU) on its 2018 Special 301 Report. This highly controversial Report by the USTR is an annual unilateral review of the enforcement of intellectual property rights (IPR) in other countries, and used as means to pressure countries to comply with the US demands for tougher IP rules that would eventually benefit the US pharmaceutical industry.

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Promising MSF research highlights immense benefits, need for expanded use of DR-TB drug combination

NEW YORK, FEBRUARY 14, 2018—New research published today in The Lancet Infectious Diseases journal by the international medical humanitarian organization Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) provides strong evidence that a combination of two new drugs for tuberculosis (TB)—the world’s leading infectious disease killer—could be used to treat drug-resistant (DR-TB) forms of the disease. These findings encourage the wider use of these medicines in combination for DR-TB patients worldwide.

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GeneXpert Omni factsheet

Médecins Sans Frontières released a factsheet about GeneXpert Omni expressing concerns on the suitability of the tool for remote settings within low-to-middle income countries. GeneXpert Omni is a single-module point-of-care device produced by Cepheid.

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