Stop TB Partnership

Worldwide TB R&D funding surpasses US$1 billion, but falls short of goals

A report highlights that despite reaching US$1 billion in spending in 2021, funding for TB R&D is a mere fraction of what’s needed to achieve UN sustainable development goal of ending TB as a pandemic by 2030.

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TB vaccine advocacy fellowship 2023 - APPLY NOW

The TB Vaccine Advocacy Roadmap (TB Vax ARM) and the Stop TB Partnership Working Group on New TB Vaccines announced a new advocacy fellowship program, set to take place in February 2023 in the run up to World TB Day. The program will convene six fellows representing TB affected communities, advocates, and early career researchers from high TB burden countries for an online skill building and co-learning program. The goal of the program is to help cultivate a new generation of TB vaccine R&D advocates and stimulate more diverse advocacy efforts for TB vaccine R&D ahead of the UN High-Level Meeting on TB in September 2023 and beyond.

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Statement by Stop TB Partnership on World AIDS Day 2022

To end HIV/AIDS and TB, we need to ‘equalize’ global commitment, financial resources and attention between the two diseases.

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Stop TB Partnership Community Award 2022 winners announced

TBpeople Ukraine and Club des Amis Damien from the Democratic Republic of Congo were announced as the joint winners of the Stop TB Partnership Community Award 2022. The award ceremony was organized on the sidelines of the Stop TB Partnership Community Summit held in Bangkok, Thailand on 31 October - 4 November 2022.

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New supplement in the Journal of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society evaluates global state of childhood TB

A supplemental issue published in the Journal of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society identified the challenges in controlling childhood TB in 2022 and beyond. ‘What’s New in Childhood Tuberculosis' highlighted areas that can accelerate the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of a persistent threat to children worldwide.

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Stop TB Partnership launches 2022 Kochon Prize call for nominations

'Disrupted but not defeated' - recognizing TB services providers in areas with armed conflict.

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Announcing the Challenge Facility for Civil Society 2022 Round 11 grantees

The Stop TB Partnership announced the successful grantees under the Round 11 of the Challenge Facility for Civil Society 2022, which will support 100 TB affected communities and civil society organizations from 29 countries and seven regions for a total of US$ 10.5 million.

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UNGA 77: Stop TB Partnership highlights the need for ending TB

The Stop TB Partnership Executive Director Dr. Lucica Ditiu and Deputy Executive Director Dr. Suvanand Sahu attended several high-level meetings (19-22 September 2022), held in the margins of the 77th Session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA 77). They met with key partners and stakeholders to discuss the 2018 UN High-Level Meeting (UNHLM) on TB targets, and the urgent need for increased investments and preparations ahead of next year’s UNHLM on TB. Highlights of the activities are compiled here.

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Call for nominations: Stop TB Partnership Community Award 2022

TB community-led monitoring: Leaving no one behind

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Four years down, one to go: The road to the 2023 UN High-Level Meeting on TB

Statement by Dr. Lucica Ditiu, Executive Director of the Stop TB Partnership

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