Stop TB Partnership

Securing our TB-free future: eastern European and central Asian health leaders increase political commitment to ending TB

24 June 2024, Tashkent, Uzbekistan --The Stop TB Partnership and WHO Regional Office for Europe have brought together 100 key stakeholders and partners from 13 countries of eastern Europe and central Asia for the first time since the United Nations High-Level Meeting last September, to discuss and debate the status of the tuberculosis (TB) airborne pandemic, the high rates of drug-resistant TB (DR-TB) and challenges towards ending this disease.

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Kochi Declaration 2024: International leadership summit of medical associations

First-ever International leadership summit of medical associations on achieving UN High-Level Meeting targets to end TB concludes with the Kochi Declaration.

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New partnership to improve access to new antibiotics in low- and middle-income countries to boost efforts to combat TB and AMR

The Global Antibiotic Research & Development Partnership (GARDP) and the Stop TB Partnership’s Global Drug Facility (GDF) announced a partnership agreement to improve global access to antibiotics. GDF will incorporate GARDP’s portfolio of antibiotics to improve appropriate and affordable antibiotic access for the benefit of patients and health systems, particularly in low- and middle-income countries.

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TB takes center stage at the UN Hearing on AMR

A Stop TB Partnership-led delegation of TB survivors, researchers, communities and civil society representatives attended the Multi-stakeholder Hearing on AMR to push for the inclusion of TB in the upcoming AMR Political Declaration.

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1/4/6x24 Mid-campaign report launch webinar - recording now available online

The 1/4/6x24 Campaign and the Stop TB Partnership co-hosted a webinar on 27 March 2024 to launch the Campaign’s new report: Getting Better Faster: Delivering on the Promise of New TB Treatments. The report highlights progress and gaps in scaling up access to shorter, safer TB regimens — one month or once weekly for TB prevention, four months for drug-susceptible TB, and six months for drug-resistant TB — by the end of 2024.

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World TB Day 2024 campaign toolkit

The Stop TB Partnership releases the campaign toolkit for this year’s 'Yes! We Can End TB' World TB Day campaign on 24 March 2024.

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Summary of 37th Stop TB Partnership Board meeting

At the invitation of the Government of Brazil, the Stop TB Partnership Board held its 37th meeting in Brasilia, Brazil on 6-8 February 2024. The strategic forum was co-hosted locally by the Ministry of Health of Brazil and G20 Health Working Group.

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Stop TB Partnership announces the Legal Environment and Human Rights Scorecard

The Scorecard aims to enhance visibility and multisectoral accountability regarding legal, policy and human rights barriers experienced by people affected by TB.

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Country share of global 2023 UNHLM targets

The Stop TB Partnership releases the estimated country shares of global targets committed in the Political declaration of the UN High-Level Meeting on TB, held in September 2023.

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Report: TB Research Funding Trends 2005-2022

TB research and development funding perilously off track of UN commitments to end TB by 2030.

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