Stop TB Partnership

Stop TB Partnership Operational Strategy 2013-2015 approved

The Operational Strategy outlines the Partnership Secretariat's four strategic priorities over the next three years.

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Georgia TB prevention programme launches new website

30 November 2012 - Tblisi - The Georgia Tuberculosis Prevention Project (TPP), led by University Research Co., LLC (URC) and supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), has launched a new website aimed at providing the latest information on tuberculosis (TB) in Georgia.

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PEPFAR blueprint for an AIDS-free generation identifies TB/HIV as a top priority

29 November 2012 – Washington DC – Today US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton unveiled the PEPFAR Blueprint, which provides a roadmap for how the US Government will work to help achieve an AIDS-free generation.

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World AIDS Day statement by Dr Lucica Ditiu, Executive Secretary of the Stop TB Partnership

This World AIDS Day there are hopeful signs to report. Last week the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) announced that there has been a 13% reduction in TB/HIV deaths in the last two years.

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UNAIDS and the Stop TB Partnership join forces to stop HIV/TB deaths

Most TB/HIV deaths can be averted if TB and HIV services work together more effectively and services are scaled up.

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TB REACH commits US $27 million for finding and treating people with TB

23 November - Geneva - The Stop TB Partnership’s Coordinating Board has approved US $27 million in new funding for partners implementing innovative projects that aim to find and treat people with tuberculosis (TB).

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Guide to working with national champions launched today

16 November 2012 - Kuala Lumpur - Today marked the launch of a guide to working with national celebrities on the occasion of the World Union Conference on Lung Health.

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TB REACH grantees report twenty-fold acceleration in ability to find people with TB

The use of new technologies and approaches to actively seek out people with tuberculosis can significantly increase the number of people diagnosed and put on treatment.

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First ever civil society march held at the Union World Conference on Lung Health

Some 100 TB activists marched through the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, demanding more ambitious targets for stopping TB, the funding to meet those targets and an end to the use of detrimental language in the TB community.

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Tuberculosis Research and Development: 2012 Report on Tuberculosis Research Funding Trends: 2005-2011

Treatment Action Group and the Stop TB Partnership issue update on 2011 global TB R&D investment trends; 2011 funding increases 3% to US$649.6 million, but annual US$1.35 billion funding gap remains.

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