Stop TB Partnership

Desmond Tutu TB Centre receives Stop TB Partnership Kochon Prize

13 November 2012 - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - The Desmond Tutu TB Centre at Stellenbosch University in South Africa’s Western Cape is the winner of this year’s Kochon Prize. The centre is named for its patron, Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu, who had tuberculosis (TB) as a child and has throughout his lifetime advocated on behalf of people affected by TB. The centre is being honoured today for its ground-breaking research on childhood TB and for pioneering community-based approaches to TB and HIV care.

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Statement by the Executive Secretary of the Stop TB Partnership on the WHO Global Tuberculosis Report 2012

18 October 2012 – Geneva – The new data published in the WHO Global Tuberculosis Report 2012 show clear signs of progress.

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Statement in response to the Global Fund Board’s decisions on financing

Statement by Dr Lucica Ditiu, Executive Secretary of the Stop TB Partnership and Dr Mario Raviglione, Director of the WHO Stop TB Department in response to decisions on the Global Fund’s funding model made at its 27th Board Meeting.

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TB advocates respond to proposed Global Fund allocations for TB

The advocates call on the Global Fund Board to adopt an allocation model that responds to regional needs, rather than putting one disease against another.

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Update: Global Drug Facility enters a new era

The Stop TB Partnership is delighted to announce that Mr Thomas Moore has taken up duties as interim Chief Operating Officer of the Global Drug Facility (GDF). Mr Moore will oversee a critical period in GDF’s development, as the secretariat team is restructured and a new strategy unfolds.

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Share of Global Fund grants will increase for TB under transitional funding mechanism

The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria yesterday released the funding recommendations of its Technical Review Panel for the Transitional Funding Mechanism. This mechanism was established by the Global Fund in December 2011 as a means to protecting gains achieved and ensuring essential programmes were maintained following the cancellation of its 11th round of grants.

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Challenge Facility for Civil Society launches call for proposals

Call for Proposals open until 30 September 2012.

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Huge protest march at AIDS 2012 ends in 12 arrests

25 July 2012 - Washington, DC - TB/HIV activist Mark Harrington, who is TAG’s Executive Director, and 11 others were arrested yesterday by U.S. Park Police when they held a civil disobedience outside the White House. The arrest came after they began tying hundreds of pouches of medicine and dollar bills tied with red ribbon to symbolize their call for more funding for antiretroviral treatment. As the 12 were arrested, hundreds chanted from behind barricades: "The whole world is watching! The whole world is watching!"

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TB REACH launches call for proposals for Wave 3

TB REACH, an initiative of the Stop TB Partnership to promote early and increased TB case detection, today has launched its call for applications for Wave 3 funding. Partners of the Stop TB Partnership, national TB programmes, HIV programmes, local and international NGOs, civil society and community-based organizations can apply for this fast-track funding for early and increased TB case detection among poor, vulnerable and at-risk populations.

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Researcher at Johns Hopkins University receives International AIDS Society TB/HIV prize

Jonathan Golub, an associate professor at the Bloomberg School of Public Health at Johns Hopkins University, is the winner of this year’s International AIDS Society TB/HIV Prize.

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