Stop TB Partnership

World TB Day Statement from Dr Lucica Ditiu, Executive Secretary of the Stop TB Partnership

Our work is focused on supporting the efforts of more than 1000 partners, so you won’t be surprised to hear that two of the things I value the most are shared ambition and shared commitment. As we come to the end of a busy week of events leading up to World TB Day, I’m pleased to say that both ambition and commitment have been in abundance.

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1000 day countdown on TB and HIV goals starts in Swaziland

1000 days to achieve international targets of 50% reductions in TB mortality and TB/HIV deaths by 2015

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Health leaders head to Swaziland to launch 1000 day push on TB and HIV

Health Ministers from several African countries and leaders of international agencies are meeting in Swaziland tomorrow where they will launch a fresh offensive against tuberculosis and TB among people with HIV.

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Global Drug Facility achieves price reduction for drug-resistant TB treatments

The Stop TB Partnership’s Global Drug Facility has reduced the price of several second-line drugs it supplies for the treatment of multidrug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) by up to 26% compared to 2011 prices, resulting in a decrease in the overall cost of treatment.

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African civil society calls for unified resource mobilization for health

In a landmark event, nine major global health organizations joined representatives of African civil society platforms on 19 and 20 February in a meeting - More money for health, more health for the money - at the offices of the GAVI Alliance. At a lunchtime session, Seth Berkley, CEO of GAVI; Lucica Ditiu, Executive Secretary of the Stop TB Partnership; Philippe Duneton, Deputy Executive Director of UNITAID; Luiz Loures, Deputy Executive Director of UNAIDS; Linda Mafu, Head, Political and Civil Society Department at the Global Fund; and Thomas Teuscher, Deputy Executive Director of the Roll Back Malaria Partnership agreed with the assembled civil society organizations on a common objective: joint efforts for domestic resource mobilization for health in Africa must be harmonized.

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TB activists to replace Community Task Force with broader global coalition

6 February - Geneva - A group of tuberculosis (TB) activists have issued a Declaration of Intent that commits them to restructuring the Community Task Force (CTF) into a broader global coalition to represent communities affected by TB, multidrug-resistant TB and TB/HIV.

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Community activists meet to cement their future role in the fight against TB

05 February 2013 - Geneva - Community activists are gathering in Geneva this week to agree on the steps required to achieve greater community engagement in the fight against tuberculosis (TB).

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Help make TB a global priority after 2015

31 January 2013 - Geneva - The United Nations has launched My World, a global survey that asks for people's opinion on the issues that should be prioritized in the post-2015 development agenda.

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Stop TB Partnership welcomes focus on TB by BRICS health ministers in Delhi Communiqué

In the communiqué the health ministers place focus on tuberculosis, including multidrug-resistant TB and TB/HIV as major health threats in need of urgent attention.

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2013 kicks off with focus on Global Fund replenishment, community engagement and post-2015 targets

10 January 2013 - Geneva - In January and early February, the Stop TB Partnership and WHO Stop TB Department will kick off the New Year with meetings and discussions in Geneva whose outcome could have an influential role in stimulating scaled up efforts on tuberculosis (TB).

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