Items tagged with Vaccines

Mouse model of contained TB infection could lead to a more effective vaccine (post)

A novel mouse model of the protective effects of contained tuberculous infection could lead to the development of a more effective vaccine, according to a study published July 16 in the open-access journal PLOS Pathogens by Alan Diercks of Seattle Children's Research Institute, and colleagues.

TB vaccine research could benefit the elderly and diabetics (post)

A study of older mice with type 2 diabetes has yielded highly promising results for researchers investigating potential new vaccines for tuberculosis (TB).

BCG vaccine is safe and does not lead to an increased risk of COVID-19 symptoms (post)

The BCG vaccine, a vaccine originally made against tuberculosis, has a general stimulating effect on the immune system and is therefore effective against multiple infectious diseases—possibly also against COVID-19. This study compared groups of volunteers who have received a BCG vaccine (or not) in the past five years (before the corona pandemic), showing that the vaccine is safe and possibly influences COVID-19 symptoms.

Elderly people protected against respiratory infections by BCG vaccine (post)

The BCG vaccine, an old treatment originally developed for tuberculosis, has a broad, stimulating effect on the immune system. This gives it an effective preventive action against various infections -- possibly also against COVID-19. It is frequently given to children, but in this double-blind randomized clinical study, a collaboration between Radboud University Medical Center and the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens it was shown that elderly people also benefit from it. The results of the study are in Cell.

The European Investment Bank provides €30 million loan to accelerate TB vaccine development (post)

The European Investment Bank (EIB) agreed a €30 million loan with Vakzine Projekt Management GmbH (VPM), the German subsidiary of Serum Institute of India Pvt. Ltd. The loan will help VPM to perform the priMe trial. The priMe project contains a multicentre phase III double-blind, randomised, controlled study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of VPM1002 in comparison to the baccille Calmette–Guérin (BCG) vaccine. Vaccine research and development for the project will be carried out by VPM and the clinical trials will be scaled up in several high-burden sub-Saharan African countries.

Dartmouth TB vaccine moves forward after successful Phase 2 trial (post)

Results from the Phase 2 trial of the DAR-901 tuberculosis (TB) vaccine were announced today by investigators at Dartmouth’s Geisel School of Medicine and published in the journal Vaccine. The three-year trial was conducted among 650 adolescents in Tanzania, a nation with high rates of TB infection, and showed that the vaccine was safe and induced immune responses against the disease.

BCG TB vaccine: potential protection against COVID-19 (post)

In multiple studies comparing the effect of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) worldwide, findings thus far suggest lower rates of infection and mortality in countries with universal neonatal Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) tuberculosis vaccination policies compared with countries without this practice.1 In research published in July 2020, every 10% increase in the BCG index (which reflects the extent of a country’s BCG vaccination) was associated with a 10.4% reduction in mortality from COVID-19, and higher mortality rates were observed in countries with later vs early initiation of universal BCG vaccination.2

The slow motion race for a TB vaccine (post)

If the world had forgotten the importance of vaccines, COVID-19 has served as a stark reminder. Less than a year after the emergence of SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19), over a hundred vaccine candidates are under development and several large clinical trials are already under way, including some in South Africa. It is plausible that a safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine will be available within the next year or two, although only time and properly conducted trials will tell.

Q&A: What COVID-19 means for TB vaccine development (post)

Experts are predicting a novel coronavirus vaccine could be available by 2021, but the timeline for the creation of a new tuberculosis vaccine remains uncertain.

The TB vaccine development pathway (post)

Recently Tuberculosis has published the article The TB vaccine development pathway – An innovative approach to accelerating global TB vaccine development. The publication emphasizes the importance of a diverse TB vaccine pipeline to address the TB-specific challenges. Individual vaccine candidates must be advanced rationally and the global pipeline must be managed in the most nimble and resource-efficient way, especially in the current constrained funding environment.

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