Items tagged with Vaccines

Glimmer of hope for vaccine that could eradicate TB reinfection (post)

Local researchers hope to end TB re-infection if a new TB vaccine candidate is successful. It was proven to be safe and induced an immune response in patients.

In shadow of COVID-19, TB vaccine research enters new era (post)

In less than a year, scientists were able to develop several efficacious vaccines against COVID-19.

New vaccine shows protection against aerosol tuberculosis infection in monkeys (post)

Researchers from Europe and the United States show that a new TB vaccine, MTBVAC, protects better than the current BCG vaccine in a model of TB in macaques.

Tuberculosis kills as many people each year as COVID-19. It’s time we found a better vaccine (post)

In July 1921, a French infant became the first person to receive an experimental vaccine against tuberculosis (TB), after the mother had died from the disease. The vaccine, known as Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG), is the same one still used today.

Global roadmap for research and development for TB vaccines (post)

The Amsterdam Institute for Global Health and Development published the Global roadmap for research and development for TB vaccines as a draft document for public consultation, developed with key stakeholders. 

New method to assist fast-tracking of vaccines for pre-clinical tests (post)

Scientists in Australia have developed a method for the rapid synthesis of safe vaccines, an approach that can be used to test vaccine strategies against novel pandemic pathogens such as SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.

Two publications with promising results about alternative routes of TB vaccine administration (post)

To fight tuberculosis, better vaccination strategies are needed. Two recent publications demonstrate the positive effects of alternative mucosal routes of administration on the ensuing innate and adaptive immune responses induced by live mycobacterial vaccines.

TB vaccine may protect newborns against other infectious diseases (post)

The tuberculosis (TB) vaccine Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) could protect newborns against a variety of common infections, such as upper respiratory tract infections, chest infections and diarrhoea, according to a new study in Lancet Infectious Diseases.

Researchers test a new TB vaccine (post)

A clinical pharmacologist from RUDN University together with his colleagues from Gamaleya Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology completed the second stage of a clinical trial of a new TB vaccine that was conducted with the participation of 180 volunteers. The trial confirmed the safety and efficiency of the vaccine. The results of the study were published in the Vaccines journal.

South Africa at cutting edge of TB vaccine research (post)

It is a hundred years since the BCG (Bacille Calmette-Guerin) vaccine, the only registered vaccine proven to offer some protection against tuberculosis , was first used in people. A relative shortage of public funding and little interest from pharmaceutical companies to develop new unprofitable TB vaccines has frustrated scientific research in this area for most of the last century.

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