Items tagged with TB programs

Kyrgyzstan & Tajikistan: Are health donors bailing because of rampant graft? (post)

Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan are the two Central Asian countries most in need of outside support to help prop up crumbling healthcare systems. Yet amid rising evidence that officials are stealing international aid, donors are increasingly wary of extending assistance.

South Africa’s health challenges: An elephant in the room (post)

The United States and South Africa have a longstanding relationship around health. As one of the countries most deeply impacted by the AIDS epidemic, South Africa has been a major recipient of U.S. financial and technical assistance through the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, or PEPFAR. HIV/AIDS remains a significant burden to the country, requiring ongoing attention and resources from the national government and its international partners. Millions of South Africans are on antiretroviral drug treatment, and the country’s rate of new HIV infections (1,700/week) is staggering, particularly among young women.

Laos and Global Fund aim to drive down TB (post)

GENEVA – The Lao People’s Democratic Republic and the Global Fund have strengthened their partnership with the signing of a new grant to intensify efforts against tuberculosis.

Mozambique and Global Fund aiming higher with new grants (post)

MAPUTO, Mozambique - The Republic of Mozambique, Fundação para o Desenvolvimento da Comunidade, World Vision International and the Global Fund today (June 17) reaffirmed their partnership, signing five new grants worth US$374 million to fight HIV, tuberculosis and malaria in Mozambique.

India behind Bangladesh, Nepal in health goals (post)

NEW DELHI: India's progress in health outcomes during past two decades has been slower in comparison to other developing countries with comparable incomes, a latest working paper prepared by Niti Aayog said, highlighting crucial gaps in India's healthcare system.

India: Private pharmacies to distribute TB drugs to increase coverage (post)

Even though the State and Central Government provide drugs and treatment free of cost to all tuberculosis patients irrespective of their financial status, only around half of all TB patients avail themselves of these facilities.

Uganda and Global Fund sign new grants (post)

KAMPALA, Uganda – Uganda and the Global Fund today signaled a new phase of partnership by signing five new grants for US$226 million to fight HIV and tuberculosis as well as to build resilient and sustainable systems for health in the country.

Pakistan ranks 6th among high TB affected countries (post)

Pakistan ranks sixth among the 22 high tuberculosis affected countries, and has 43 per cent share of its patients in the Eastern-Mediterranean region of World Health Organization (WHO).

Cut in healthcare budget hits India's war on TB (post)

MUMBAI: After a slash in India's healthcare budget and key public health initiatives, now the country's ambitious tuberculosis control programme is facing a serious challenge, which could jeopardise supply of medicines, and lead to inadequate diagnostic services for TB patients.

India: Nudge to tweak TB treatment rules (post)

New Delhi, July 6: India could prevent on average 18,000 people from developing multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis every year over the next decade if the health ministry accelerates proposed changes in TB diagnosis and treatment policies, public health experts have said.

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