Items tagged with TB programs

Tuberculosis showing a resurgence in China (post)

China now has the second-largest tuberculosis epidemic — second only to India — with more than 1.3 million new cases of tuberculosis every year.

The tuberculosis burden in Uganda (post)

Uganda is among the 22 high TB burden countries of the world. Furthermore, Uganda has a high number of TB/HIV co-infected persons with about 50 per cent of the patients co-infected with HIV.

EAC states agree to cut HIV, TB deaths by 75% (post)

The five East African Community (EAC) member states have agreed to implement programmes aimed at reducing HIV and Tuberculosis-related deaths by 75% by the year 2020.

Study finds increasing size of elderly population as major contributor to TB infection in China (post)

A major contributor to the number of tuberculosis infections and cases in China will likely be the elderly over the next few decades, requiring a refocus in efforts to control a disease affecting millions of people in the country, according to preliminary new research presented at the Fourth Global Forum on TB Vaccines in Shanghai. The researchers from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine found that developing a "post-infection" vaccine could reduce overall TB rates in China by almost a third by 2050.

The TB Europe Coalition visit to Belarus (post)

As part of a TB Europe Coalition (TBEC) series of field visit, three members of TBEC visited Belarus in November 2014.

Nigeria: On the rising scourge of tuberculosis (post)

The recent revelation by the National Tuberculosis and Leprosy Control Programme (NTBLCP) that 600,000 new cases of tuberculosis (TB) currently rage in Nigeria should put all citizens on the alert. It is a very deadly disease and not many people are aware of the potential danger they face daily from the disease given its highly infectious nature. This should change with all citizens imbibing the culture of better hygiene and prevention. What is worrisome is the fact that rather than declining as observed elsewhere, the disease seems to be gaining ground in Nigeria. This raises question as to the efficacy of the control measures being applied and calls for more dedication and commitment.

India: TB treatment programme may be generating more MDR cases (post)

The Joint Monitoring Mission 2015 has come down heavily on the Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme (RNTCP) and the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare for their inability to handle the MDR-TB crisis in the country. The report released last month reflects on the findings, conclusions, and recommendations made by it in 2012.

Eastern Cape treatment dysfunction boosts virulent new XDR-TB strain (post)

At least half of all known drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB) patients in the Port Elizabeth area (and possibly the entire Eastern Cape) are being treated with too few drugs, fuelling the spread of extensively drug-resistant (XDR)-TB and condemning them to death.

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