Items tagged with TB programs

Ethiopia moves forward with major new grants (post)

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia - The Government of Ethiopia and the Global Fund partnership today signed four new grants for US$551.6 million to fight HIV, tuberculosis, and malaria and to build resilient and sustainable systems for health.

Georgian concept note priorities reflect national strategies, WHO says (post)

Georgia’s concept notes for both HIV and TB are closely reflecting the priorities identified in their national strategic plans, a recent WHO evaluation has found, but must ensure that more interventions focus on improving case detection rates for the two diseases.

South Africa submits $380-million concept note for HIV/TB (post)

South Africa on 15 July submitted a joint HIV/TB concept note for some $380.5 million in funding, more than half of which is to support prevention interventions specifically targeting key populations including young women and girls, men who have sex with men and people living in disease hot spots. Of this, $142.2 million constitutes an above-allocation request.

Tuberculosis cases declining in Azerbaijan (post)

Tuberculosis is second only to HIV/AIDS as the greatest killer worldwide from a single infectious agent, according to the World Health Organization.

Call to Action for A TB-Free India (post)

The Call to Action for a TB-Free India is a campaign to bring together all stakeholders to unite against TB. The campaign is part of the Global Challenge TB project, funded by USAID, and implemented in India by The Union South-East Asia Office in close collaboration with Government of India. Recent meetings were held for civil society organisations and corporate leaders, and the campaign will culminate in a Call to Action Summit in March 2016.

Tuberculosis in England: annual report (post)

This report presents detailed data on TB case notifications made to the Enhanced Tuberculosis Surveillance system (ETS) by nurses, physicians, microbiologists and surveillance officers in England.

South Africa: Antimicrobial Resistance National Strategy Framework 2014-2024 (post)

The 24-page document provides a structure for managing antimicrobial resistance, limiting drug-resistant infections and improving patient outcomes.

South Africa: Children the frontline of war on TB (post)

That is the approach by provincial health and education officials who will today launch a campaign at schools to combat the disease, which is classified an epidemic by World Health Organisation standards.

Free TB treatment plan a hit in Mumbai, ministry to replicate project in other cities (post)

A year after the Ministry of Health And Family Welfare (MoHFW) introduced the pilot project to offer free tuberculosis (TB) treatment for city patients, it has come to the fore that a significant 6,882 tuberculosis patients have been benefited by the service.

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