Items tagged with TB programs

Uganda: Tobacco smoking a risk factor for TB (post)

As 18-year-old Teopista Nalubega left the Tuberculosis (TB) ward at Mulago National Referral Hospital, she tried so hard to control her emotions. However, as she walked towards the hospital's main gate, she could not hold back any more, so she sat down on the pavement and started crying.

Tajikistan: U.S. Government engages civil society to prevent tuberculosis (post)

Dushanbe, Tajikistan, February 26, 2016 – The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Tuberculosis Control Program conducted a five-day workshop on the World Health Organization’s (WHO) ENGAGE-TB approach to integrate community-based tuberculosis (TB) activities into the work of non-governmental and civil society organizations. The training promotes community-based TB activities, expansion of TB services through civil society, and integration with other development sectors. As a result of the training, non-governmental organizations and civil society organizations will be able to better implement this approach in collaboration with each other and with the National TB Control Program. Upon conclusion of the training, participants will form a working group to develop the new, national Community Engagement Plan 2016-2020 for Tajikistan, which will replace the former National Advocacy, Communication, and Social Mobilization Plan 2010-2015.

Kyrgyzstan is implementing transition planning for TB and HIV (post)

The Ministry of Health of Kyrgyzstan has formed a multi-disciplinary working group of specialists to plan, coordinate, and implement transition planning for TB and HIV. The group is already staffed by management, procurement, public health, and finance specialists. Representatives of civil society organizations and communities are also included. Other positions will be added.

India: Global Coalition Against TB organises MP roundtable meet (post)

Political leaders pledge to work at the national, state and district level and strategies to ensure that the country achieves the targets of the Sustainable Development Goals to End TB.

Fighting TB in Pakistan: New pilot engages private-sector pharmacies to increase early case detection (post)

In Pakistan, the private sector caters to about 70% of the primary health care needs of the population, though has historically not been engaged in tuberculosis (TB) control or preventive activities. To engage the retail pharmacies in TB control, the National TB program (NTP) partnered with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded Systems for Improved Access to Pharmaceuticals and Services (SIAPS) Program to pilot an intervention targeting the retail pharmaceutical sector in TB management with the intention of increasing early TB case detection.

How Mumbai has declared a war on drug-resistant TB (post)

March 14, 2016 - In an unusual marriage of resources, over 1,000 chest physicians from 320 hospitals have joined hands with the BMC to eradicate the scourge of tuberculosis from the city. The initiative has already yielded the desired results with 1,500 patients - of the 20,000 that had been notified as part of the plan -- having been identified as having developed resistance to drugs. Early detection will help doctors take measures and ensure that these 1,500 patients do not slip into the next stage - extensively drug-resistant (XDR) TB.

India: New medicine to help drug-resistant patients (post)

The Union Health Ministry has introduced bedaquiline into the National TB program. This was among several initiatives Health Minister J P Nadda launched on Monday (March 21). Bedaquiline, which is a drug for multidrug-resistant TB, is being introduced at six identified tertiary care centres across India*.

Vietnam’s battle with tuberculosis (post)

Lack of funding threatens Vietnam’s successful campaign to treat, cure TB.

Delamanid clinical access programme expected in South Africa (post)

The South African National Department of Health is expected to roll out a clinical access programme to allow drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB) patients access to the new drug delamanid.

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