Items tagged with TB programs

MPs secure 6% budget line increase for TB in Montenegro (post)

Podgorica (Montenegro), January 7, 2016 - An amendment to the 2016 budget of Montenegro has been secured through the efforts of members of the Global TB Caucus from Montenegro.

USAID extends funding for projects for TB-free India (post)

New Delhi, Jan 29 - To support India's efforts to end tuberculosis, US development agency USAID today announced grants aimed at scaling up innovative solutions for combating the disease in a country where an estimated 2.2 million such cases are reported annually.

KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation: Vacant position (post)

KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation is currently recruiting a Global Fund TB Advisor for the Swaziland National TB Control Program. The deadline for applications is 14 February 2016.

Corporates come together to reduce India’s tuberculosis burden (post)

February 2, 2016 - Aiming to fast-track India’s goal to end tuberculosis (TB), the National Association of Software and Services Companies (NASSCOM) Foundation today hosted a conference in Bengaluru inviting the corporate social responsibility (CSR) heads of India’s leading companies to join the Call to Action for a TB-free India.

Ghana: Parliament approves €13.1m loan to fight TB (post)

Parliament on Friday (February 5) approved a loan of €13.1 million from ABN AMRO N.V Bank of the Netherlands to fight the prevalence of tuberculosis, which is currently being considered as a national security threat.

Progress report on promises made to improve South Africa’s health services (post)

Over the last three years South Africa’s President Jacob Zuma has made several promises to improve health care in his annual state of the nation address. This includes fighting TB, improving life expectancy and reducing maternal, infant and under five mortality. Health and Medicine Editor Candice Bailey asked a panel of academics to assess whether the promises have been kept.

Providing affordable diagnosis to solve India's TB epidemic (post)

In 2014, for the first time ever, tuberculosis (TB) caused more deaths worldwide than HIV/AIDS making TB the world’s biggest infectious disease killer. TB killed 1.5 million people in 2014, ahead of HIV/AIDS, which was responsible for 1.2 million deaths in the same year. The WHO Global TB Report also revealed that India continues to be the country with the highest TB burden with nearly one-fourth of the global burden.

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