Items tagged with TB programs

Checklist for integrating gender into the processes and mechanisms of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria (post)

The Checklist has been developed to support the integration of gender-responsive components into the implementation of HIV programmes supported by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria (the Global Fund). The Checklist in its 2015 revised form provides specific steps and examples to ensure that the gender dimensions of not only HIV but also tuberculosis (TB) and malaria are addressed in all phases of programming. For this reason the Checklist is intended to be used in conjunction with UNDP’s ‘Discussion Paper on Gender and TB’ and ‘Discussion Paper on Gender and Malaria’, both of which contribute to the evidence base required to make the strong investment case for increased gender-sensitive interventions in all three diseases.

India sacks some foreign-funded consultants; health programs may suffer (post)

India is firing dozens of foreign-funded health experts working inside the government, seen as part of a broader clampdown to reduce the influence of non-government organizations (NGOs) on policy.

India: Rollout of daily drug regimen for TB treatment delayed (post)

Delays in drug procurement at the Centre seems to have affected the rollout of the daily drug regimen for the treatment of tuberculosis under the Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme (RNTCP) in Kerala as well as in the four other States where the programme was to have been piloted by March this year.

Nigeria ranks 2nd & 3rd in AIDS & tuberculosis worldwide (post)

With 574,600 cases or 338 per 100,000 of the 170 million population, Nigeria has the third highest TB burden in the world. Worse even, 22% of the TB patients also carry the HIV virus that causes AIDS.

The Philippines: PNoy signs into law a comprehensive tuberculosis elimination plan (post)

MANILA, May 4 -- President Benigno S. Aquino III has approved the bill seeking to provide for a national program for the elimination of tuberculosis (TB) in the country.

Resource optimisation for TB elimination in India (post)

The World Health Organization's "End TB Strategy," envisages a tuberculosis free world, with a target to end the TB epidemic by 2035. For this, its member states, including India, have to secure sufficient resources. Despite India's high economic growth in an otherwise gloomy global economy, it struggles with a resource crunch to support its national strategic plan for effective TB control.

Nigeria: 500,000 missing TB cases threaten control (post)

May 12, 2016 - Up to 500,000 cases of tuberculosis go undetected each year in Nigeria, creating a gap that could potentially threaten control of the disease across Africa.

Conference brings attention to tuberculosis in Nigeria (post)

May 16, 2016 - In the week that a major announcement was made by WHO shortening the treatment of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis, the scientific community is coming together with health care workers and public health practitioners to share knowledge on one of the major public health challenges of our time: Tuberculosis.

Nagaland Users’ Network asks Indian government to release TB funds (post)

Alleging that non-release of funds meant for TB programme has hampered the TB control programme in the state, Nagaland Users’ Network (NUN) has demanded that the state government immediately release the funds.

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