Items tagged with Prevention

Civil society statement on rifapentine price discount (post with simple image)

A lower price for rifapentine is just a start — communities need more than discounts to access TB preventive therapy!

TAG applauds Indian TB activists in opposing patents for critical TB prevention drugs (post with simple image)

Civil society takes legal action to contest patent applications filed by Sanofi on fixed-dose combinations of two decades-old drugs used to prevent TB.

Sanofi withdraws two patent applications on life-saving TB prevention drugs in Europe and in Indonesia (post with simple image)

Activists urge Sanofi to do the same in other countries.

WHO announces forthcoming changes for the programmatic management of TB preventive treatment (post with simple image)

The World Health Organization issues a Rapid Communication announcing a number of updates to its latest guidance on TB preventive treatment.

Letter to Sanofi calling for patent withdrawals on critical TB drugs (post with simple image)

TAG and OTMeds call on Sanofi to reverse its efforts to patent two obvious combinations of two critical drugs to prevent TB: rifapentine and isoniazid.

TAG's 2020 Pipeline Report: TB chapters released (post with simple image)

Treatment Action Group (TAG) launches newly available TB chapters of its 2020 Pipeline Report.

Activists call on Indian government to revitalize the TB preventive treatment program (post with simple image)

Indian activists demand the introduction of the newer short-course TB preventive treatment regimens for people living with HIV.

WHO high-level event galvanizes commitment and action to accelerate the global drive to scale up TB prevention (post with simple image)

A joint Call to Action 2.0, released by WHO and partners, calls for urgent actions by governments and donors to step up momentum to rapidly enhance coverage of TB preventive treatment for those in need.

TAG's 2021 Pipeline Report: TB chapters released (post with simple image)

Treatment Action Group (TAG) launches newly available TB chapters of its 2021 Pipeline Report.

TAGline: Delivering on the promise of long-acting formulations (post with simple image)

October 2021 issue of TAGline delves deep into the development of long-acting formulations for the treatment and prevention of HIV, TB, hepatitis C, and malaria.

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