Items tagged with Prevention

No Patents on Prevention! (post with simple image)

Can patents affect access to TB preventive treatment? - a community guidebook, produced by the ARK Foundation of Nagaland, India

#RightToPreventTB campaign: TB preventive treatment is a human right! (post with simple image)

The #RightToPreventTB campaign focuses attention on the urgent need to scale-up TB preventive treatment as a matter of human rights.

Advocates demand immediate national roll out of 3HP in India (post with simple image)

Community monitoring mechanism highlights the gaps in the existing isoniazid preventive therapy program in the country and clearly indicates the high demand for 3HP.

TB REACH Wave 10 now open for proposals (post with simple image)

Wave 10 to focus on two new areas: Integrated TB service delivery and TB preventive treatment.

Partners announce reduced price for patient-friendly TB preventive treatments (post with simple image)

Partners announce two new agreements to lower the price of rifapentine-based treatments to prevent TB in low- and middle-income countries.

Advocates reiterate their demand for immediate national roll out of 3HP in India (post with simple image)

Community monitoring mechanism highlights the gaps in the existing isoniazid preventive therapy program in the country and clearly indicates the high demand for 3HP.

WHO’s operational handbook on TB infection prevention and control (post with simple image)

The World Health Organization releases an operational handbook on TB infection prevention and control, providing practical advice to complement its evidence-based guidelines.

Two TB CAB position papers published in Public Health Action (post with simple image)

Two position papers, developed by the Global TB Community Advisory Board (TB CAB), are published in the September 2023 issue of Public Health Action.

TB preventive therapy price cut (post with simple image)

USAID and PEPFAR announce that they have secured a 30% price reduction on the TB preventive treatment regimen called 3HP, taking the price from $14.25 to $9.99 for a three-month patient course.

Are we there yet? TB preventive treatment beyond TB/HIV integration (post with simple image)

An article in 2023 issue of TAGline takes stock of the state of TB preventive treatment (TPT) around the world, exploring nuances that help explain why newly validated TPT regimens are still not universally used by household contacts of people living with active TB disease.

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