Items tagged with Prevention

TBnet: New consensus reached to help tackle multidrug-resistant and extensively drug-resistant TB (post with simple image)

The document summarises the current knowledge on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of adults and children with MDR/XDR-TB and their contacts, and provides expert consensus recommendations on questions where scientific evidence is still lacking.

HIV i-Base/TAG: 2014 Pipeline Report (post with simple image)

Latest annual review on pipeline drugs for adults and children, strategies for cure and prevention for HIV, HCV, TB and vaccine research.

WHO calls for worldwide use of "smart" syringes (post with simple image)

23 February 2015 | Geneva - Use of the same syringe or needle to give injections to more than one person is driving the spread of a number of deadly infectious diseases worldwide. Millions of people could be protected from infections acquired through unsafe injections if all health-care programmes switched to syringes that cannot be used more than once. For these reasons, the World Health Organization (WHO) is launching a new policy on injection safety and a global campaign with support from the IKEA Foundation and Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, to help all countries tackle the pervasive issue of unsafe injections.

South Africa: TB: Taxis’ deadly passenger (post with simple image)

Millions of South Africans rely on minibus taxis daily, but South Africa’s most widely used mode of public transport could also be ferrying a deadly passenger.

HIV i-Base/TAG: 2015 Pipeline Report (post with simple image)

Latest annual review on HIV, HCV and TB drugs, diagnostics, vaccines, preventive technologies, research toward a cure, and immune-based and gene therapies in development.

Tuberculosis in adults and children (post with simple image)

A monograph written for healthcare workers in any setting who are faced with the complex care for patients with tuberculosis.

2016 i-Base/TAG Pipeline Report (post with simple image)

Latest annual review on HIV and TB drugs, diagnostics, vaccines, preventive technologies, research toward a cure, and immune-based and gene therapies in development.

New guide: Your rights and TB care (post with simple image)

An innovative and important new TB resource – Know Your Rights: Tuberculosis Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment Guide.

Urgent need to register essential medicines for the treatment and prevention of TB in South Africa (post with simple image)

Advocates request that the South African Health Products Regulatory Authority expedite registration of essential medicines for the treatment and prevention of TB in South Africa.

An Activist’s Guide to Rifapentine (post with simple image)

The guide details important efficacy, safety, and access information on rifapentine, a game-changing drug for treating TB infection in order to prevent active TB disease.

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