Items tagged with Prevention

General Recommendations on Immunization (document)

This updated report from the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) and the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) expands the discussion of vaccination spacing and timing, recommendations for vaccinations administered by an incorrect route, information regarding needle-free injection technology, vaccination of children adopted from countries outside the United States, timing of live-virus vaccination and tuberculosis screening.

Interventions for Tuberculosis Control and Elimination (document)

This guide addresses interventions employed against tuberculosis including: treatment, prophylaxis, BCG vaccination and preventive chemotherapy and the role of each one is weighed in current practice.

Tuberculosis in the Workplace (document)

These government standards discuss how workplace TB protection should be in line with proven TB control measures and have enough flexibility so organizations can adapt them to the appropriate level of risk facing their workers.

The National Tuberculosis Health Sector Strategic Plan for Ghana (document)

This National TB Control Programme (NTP) builds on the previous 2002–2006 strategic plan. The overall aim is to achieve "the World Health Assembly (WHA), STOP TB Partnership and the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) targets" by focusing on universal access to critical TB control interventions while addressing emerging issues which previously have been given little attention. It outlines required technical assistance in identified key areas: DOTS expansion, monitoring and evaluation (M&E), multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB), human resources development,laboratory services, and drug management. In addition, advocacy, communication, and social mobilization will play a key role in this plan in all areas

Guidance on Ethics of Tuberculosis Prevention, Care and Control (document)

This guidance document was undertaken to analyze selected priority ethical issues in TB and to support the development of WHO guidance in order to help governments and their national TB programmes, TB service providers, policy-makers and civil society and other stakeholders implement TB prevention, care and control efforts in an ethical manner. Key values discussed include: social justice/equity, solidarity, common good, autonomy, reciprocity, effectiveness, participation, transparency and accountability.

MOST for TB: Management and Organizational Sustainability Tool for National TB Control Programs (document)

This document outlines a structured and participatory process for improving the management of a NTP, and assisting organizations to map the development of key management components and use these results for planning improvements and monitoring progress. It can help to assess management performance, develop a concrete action plan for improvement and carry out the plan.

Tuberculosis: Information for Health Care Providers (document)

The aim of this booklet is to provide guidelines for case management and referral to specialists; increase knowledge of the appropriate use and choice of preventative therapy for latent TB infection; and; increase understanding of the roles of family physicians, hospitals, TB clinics, public health, the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care and public health labs in providing optimal TB care. It contains basic information about TB and is intended to be a reference for health care providers.

Stopping Tuberculosis in England: An action plan (document)

This action plan presents essential activities needed to bring TB under control and reduce disease burden in the UK. Action points include: awareness, strong political commitment, high quality surveillance, excellence in clinical care, well organized and co-ordinated patient services, first class laboratory services, highly effective control at population level and expert workforce.

Management, Control and Prevention of Tuberculosis Guidelines for Health Care Providers (document)

These guidelines were compiled to support professional and institutional practices in protecting health care workers and students in hospitals and health care settings, and preventing nosocomial transmission of infection and disease.

Management of patients with multidrug-resistant/extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis in Europe: a TBnet consensus statement (document)

The document summarises the current knowledge on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of adults and children with MDR/XDR-TB and their contacts, and provides expert consensus recommendations on questions where scientific evidence is still lacking.

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