Items tagged with HIV coinfection

In HIV/TB coinfection, initiate antiretroviral therapy early (post)

PHILADELPHIA, PA—Earlier initiation of antiretroviral therapy (ART) significantly lowered mortality in patients with HIV and tuberculosis (TB) co-infection, despite a higher incidence of immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS), according to data presented at 2014 IDWeek.

India: New study highlights DR-TB burden in people living with HIV, level of primary transmission alarming (post)

A new study points to an alarmingly high burden of drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB) among HIV-positive patients at antiretroviral therapy (ART) centres, and provides evidence that primary transmission is the cause of DR-TB in as many as one in four newly-diagnosed TB patients.

TB therapy does not affect ART response in South African children (post)

Receiving therapy for tuberculosis when starting a first antiretroviral therapy (ART) regimen did not affect virologic or CD4 response to that regimen in a study of 199 South African children. Responses appeared to be worse with lopinavir/ritonavir than with efavirenz in children taking TB therapy when ART began.

IRIS uncommon when ART starts in 96,000-person Europe/US study (post)

Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS) appears to be rare when antiretroviral-naive adults in Europe and the United States start ART, with the possible exception of mycobacterial infections.

Provision of antiretroviral therapy for HIV-positive TB patients - 19 countries, sub-Saharan Africa, 2009-2013 (post)

All HIV-positive tuberculosis (TB) patients should receive antiretroviral therapy, which reduces the incidence of HIV-associated TB and reduces mortality among HIV-positive TB patients. Antiretroviral therapy (ART) reduces the incidence of HIV-associated TB disease, and early initiation of ART after the start of TB treatment reduces progression of HIV infection and death among HIV-positive TB patients. In spite of recommendations for all HIV-positive TB patients to receive ART, a high proportion of persons with TB disease and HIV infection who should be on life-saving are not yet receiving treatment.

Urgent action needed against 'duo infernale' of HIV and tuberculosis (post)

Tuberculosis (TB) and multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) are currently experiencing a dangerous upsurge across Europe. It is a public health crisis that is receiving too little attention, write Giovanni Battista Migliori and Stefano Alberti.

Five cutting-edge TB-HIV research studies you may not have heard about (post)

December 1 is World AIDS Day, a day to solemnly reflect on the more than 35 million lives lost to HIV/AIDS, to stand in solidarity with communities affected and to mobilise action against the epidemic. TB is the leading cause of death among people living with HIV, making addressing TB-HIV co-infection a vital part of the global response against HIV/AIDS.

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