Items tagged with HIV coinfection

Treatment outcomes in HIV positive and negative people with drug resistant TB in Khayelitsha, Cape Town (post)

An analysis of treatment outcomes in HIV positive and negative people with drug resistant (DR) tuberculosis (TB) in Khayelitsha showed similar treatment success and long-term mortality in the presence of ART.

World Lung Foundation: Progress on AIDS heartening – but there are still too many new infections and deaths (post)

(New York, USA) – World Lung Foundation issued the following statement on the topic of World AIDS Day. Peter Baldini, Chief Executive Officer, World Lung Foundation, said:

TAC guide: HIV in our lives (post)

In the latest updated version of its well known HIV treatment literacy guide, the Treatment Action Campaign explains the science behind HIV.

Status quo is not enough to fight the AIDS epidemic (post)

Ambition is what drives us all. It's the belief that through commitment, hard work, the right motivation, and bold goals, we can accomplish something as substantial as the eradication of a disease.

European HIV response "falling behind" as Eastern European epidemic grows (post)

HIV diagnoses have increased by 80% in the European region since 2004, and three quarters of new HIV diagnoses in the European region are occurring in Eastern Europe, yet the scale and targeting of HIV prevention, testing and treatment in Eastern Europe are inadequate, a European meeting on standards of care for HIV and coinfections in Europe heard last week in Rome.

Xpert TB takes twice longer than standard TB test in HIV+ of Durban (post)

Xpert MTB/RIF testing for pulmonary tuberculosis in a central lab took twice longer than sputum smear microscopy among HIV-positive patients with suspected pulmonary TB in Durban, South Africa. The authors believe Xpert results in “operational delays that limit the test's clinical utility for diagnosing pulmonary TB” in their patients.

Valneva announces publication of first Phase II data of tuberculosis vaccine candidate formulated with IC31® adjuvant (post)

Clinical trial in HIV-infected adults showed good safety and immunogenicity

A biosensor to peer into insides of HIV-infected cell (post)

A new biosensor can measure what is going on within HIV-infected cells in real-time and also provide insight on the interactions between the AIDS virus and the causing bacteria within the cells.

ART during tuberculosis therapy reduces mortality risk for people with HIV (post)

There is a high mortality rate among people living with HIV undergoing treatment for tuberculosis (TB), according to the results of a meta-analysis published in PLOS One. The mortality rate ranged between 8 and 14% but the risk of death was significantly lower for people who received antiretroviral treatment (ART) during their TB therapy.

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