Items tagged with HIV coinfection

Deaths rates declined in South Africa due to HIV success – report (post)

Death rates have declined, largely due to successes in HIV, but a lot more needs to be done to defeat its “terrible twin”, tuberculosis (TB).

Point-of-care CRP test may help detect TB in some people with HIV (post)

A point-of-care test for C-reactive protein (CRP) may detect tuberculosis in people with HIV and low CD4-cell counts who are starting antiretroviral therapy (ART), researchers suggest.

Injection drug users fall through the gaps in India’s TB treatment program (post)

Fifty-year-old James is all skin and bones and can barely speak coherently. He has been an injecting drug user, or IDU, for more than 30 years. In July this year, he was diagnosed with tuberculosis – a diagnosis that was made during an exercise conducted by Delhi health authorities to find tuberculosis among injecting drugs users.

Researchers work to understand why HIV patients are more likely to contract TB (post)

Researchers in the Tulane National Primate Research Center want to know more about why patients with HIV are highly susceptible to contracting tuberculosis (TB). Using two new grants, totaling $8.4 million from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, the Tulane team lead by Deepak Kaushal hopes to figure out how the bacterium that causes TB invades T-cells depleted by HIV. The researchers will also study if B-cells can be a source of protection against tuberculosis for patients battling HIV.

HIV: the benefits of prophylaxis of TB are confirmed (post)

Long-term follow-up in the ANRS TEMPRANO trial confirms that tuberculosis chemoprophylaxis in HIV-infected people is more than ever relevant in resource-limited countries. This prophylactic use of drugs reduces mortality, even among people taking antiretroviral treatment who have a high CD4+ T cell count. ANRS TEMPRANO was conducted by researchers of the Ivory Coast ANRS site, which comprises teams from Inserm (U1219, University of Bordeaux), the Infectious and Tropical Diseases Department of the Treichville University Hospital, and 8 other infection treatment centers in Abidjan. The results of this trial are published in the 9 October 2017 issue of The Lancet Global Health and should encourage countries where the burden of tuberculosis is heavy to apply the relevant WHO recommendations.

Twice-daily tenofovir alafenamide dose might overcome interaction with rifampicin (post)

Twice-daily tenofovir alafenamide (TAF) plus rifampicin provided similar exposures to once-daily TAF in pharmacokinetic study. This strategy might be a suitable option for people with HIV/TB coinfection.

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