Items tagged with HIV coinfection

Malawi tests urine for TB, hopes for a faster diagnosis (post)

Blantyre – Malawi has embarked on a cost-effective, quick urine test for tuberculosis (TB), which if successfully administered could save lives.

Researchers develop new algorithm for diagnosing TB in patients with HIV (post)

Researchers from South Africa have conducted a new study in which they propose a clinical prediction rule to make quicker, earlier tuberculosis (TB) diagnoses in seriously ill HIV-infected patients.

Risk of death very high in kids with untreated HIV and suspected TB (post)

Antiretroviral therapy (ART)-naive children with HIV infection and suspected tuberculosis (TB) have an “extremely high” early mortality risk, new findings show.

Cipla launches Q-TIB globally (post)

Cipla launches Q-TIB globally, a novel fixed dose combination in a single tablet for TB prophylaxis in HIV.

Xpert Ultra assay shows superior sensitivity for TB in patients with HIV (post)

The Xpert Ultra assay had superior sensitivity compared with Xpert for detecting tuberculosis in patients with paucibacillary disease and patients with HIV, study data showed.

Positive LAM results predict mortality in children with HIV (post)

Children with HIV in Kenya whose urine samples tested positive for lipoarabinomannan, or LAM — a biomarker of tuberculosis — had a nearly fivefold increased risk for mortality compared with children with negative LAM results, according to recent data.

Survival outcomes improved with concurrent treatment for multidrug-resistant TB and HIV (post)

Treatment of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (TB) has comparable efficacy and survival rates in patients infected with HIV and not uninfected with HIV when patients with HIV are given antiretroviral therapy, according to the results of recent research published in Clinical Infectious Diseases.

Unexpected toxicities identified with concomitant HIV, TB treatment use (post)

Combining dolutegravir with isoniazid plus rifapentine may lead to serious side effects, including flu-like syndrome and elevated transaminase levels. The findings come from a drug-drug interaction study conducted by researchers at the National Institute of Health and Colorado State University.

AIDS-defining events increase mortality risk: study (post)

When they occur among people living with HIV, certain cancers and opportunistic infections are considered by health authorities as AIDS-defining events, or ADEs.

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