Items tagged with HIV coinfection

Readily available antibiotic could help to curb lung damage from TB (post)

Imperial scientists have found how a common antibiotic could help reduce lung destruction in people with Tuberculosis (TB).

Survey: IAS engagement in TB (post)

The International AIDS Society (IAS) is seeking input on how best it can engage in TB, using HIV co-infection as an entry point.

Vietnam: Combined treatment lifts TB/HIV patient burdens (post)

A Ministry of Health (MoH) pilot programme to combine tuberculosis and HIV treatments for TB/HIV co-infected patients in medical centres at district and commune levels has yielded positive results, experts said.

Cytokines predict TB recurrence in patients on ART (post)

Certain cytokines are predictors of the recurrence of tuberculosis in patients with HIV who are on ART, according to researchers.

Use of the GeneXpert TB system for HIV viral load testing in India (post)

"...the Xpert HIV-1 Viral Load (Cepheid) cartridge was launched in 2014, as a potential point-of-care, rapid viral load assay. However, before the Xpert HIV-1 Viral Load cartridge can be clinically used in India, validation is essential. In March, 2017, Xpert HIV-1 Viral Load cartridges were approved by the Indian regulatory agency, but there are no published data on test performance in India. We validated a research use only version of this new HIV-1 viral load assay in India, in a hospital setting where GeneXpert was already used for tuberculosis testing."

Add antimicrobials to cut death risk in advanced HIV (post)

For people with advanced HIV, enhanced antimicrobial prophylaxis significantly reduces the chance of death for any cause in the months after starting antiretroviral therapy, researchers reported.

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