Items tagged with HIV coinfection

Latvia to host ground-breaking conference on TB in Europe (post)

16 December 2014 - Geneva, Switzerland - Latvia holding the Presidency of the European Union in the first half of 2015 will host the first European ministerial conference on tuberculosis and drug resistance on the 31st of March in Riga.

The Union convenes TREAT TB partners to review results of new research (post)

The Union recently brought research partners together in Washington, DC to share results from five years of TB research that began in 2009. Carried out through the TREAT TB initiative supported by the US Agency for International Development (USAID), researchers worked with the goal of improving international standards and practices for diagnosing and treating TB in order to better serve the needs of people affected by the disease.

Isoniazid, d-drugs, weight, boost neuropathy risk in African trial (post)

Isoniazid, stavudine (d4T), didanosine (ddI), higher weight, and older age all raised the risk of peripheral neuropathy in adults starting antiretroviral therapy (ART) in Uganda and Zimbabwe. Gender and pre-ART CD4 count did not affect chances of neuropathy in these DART trial participants.

People with HIV account for over 60% of TB cases in Southern Africa (post)

Slightly more than 60% of tuberculosis disease cases in southern Africa occur in people with HIV infection, according to a regional analysis of TB numbers. Across the world, people with HIV account for 21% of all TB deaths.

High risk of rifampicin resistance with HIV in 3-group Indian study (post)

HIV-positive people not taking antiretroviral therapy (ART) had a 21 times higher risk of acquiring resistance to rifampicin than did HIV-negative people taking the same anti-TB regimen in an Indian study. Taking ART lowered but did not eliminate the increased resistance risk.

Alcohol intake, viral load, CD4 count linked to active TB in HIV patients (post)

Alcohol consumption, high viral load and low CD4 cell count appeared to be independent risk factors for developing active tuberculosis in patients with HIV, according to a report published in Open Forum Infectious Diseases.

TB in the ARROW trial of children on ART (post)

Incidence of TB disease was highest in the first three months in children with HIV receiving antiretroviral treatment (ART) in the ARROW trial. [1]

Immune biomarkers help predict early death, complications in HIV patients with TB, Penn study finds (post)

PHILADELPHIA — Doctors treating patients battling both HIV and tuberculosis (TB)—many of whom live in Africa—are faced with the decision when to start those patients on antiretroviral therapy (ART) while they are being treated with antibiotics for active TB disease.  Some patients fare well on both interventions, with the immune system in check and the TB controlled.  Others undergo complications from TB, such as paradoxical immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS), a worsening of TB symptoms despite response to therapy, while still others experience immune failure and early death.  The best way to determine which patients go on to develop IRIS or die after treatment begins is not fully understood.

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