Items tagged with Global TB response

Online consultation to update the Global Plan to End TB (post with simple image)

Stop TB Partnership launches online consultation to update the Global Plan to End TB 2016-2020; Deadline for submission: 19 July 2019

Accelerating action to end TB (post with simple image)

Joint statement of WHO Director-General and WHO Civil Society Task Force on accelerating action to end TB.

WHO Director-General calls for urgent country action to meet End TB targets (post with simple image)

WHO Director-General calls for urgent country action to meet UN High-Level Meeting on TB targets in letters to Heads of State.

Time to act on the 2018 TB commitments (post with simple image)

The Stop TB Partnership, the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria and the World Health Organization call for immediate action to implement the commitments made by Head of States and Governments at the UN High-Level Meeting on TB.

Declaration of the Rights of People Affected by TB now available in French, Spanish and Russian (post with simple image)

The Declaration was launched in May 2019 by TBpeople in partnership with the Stop TB Partnership.

TAG welcomes unprecedented U.S. support for TB research, urges all countries to increase investments (post with simple image)

TAG welcomes the news of increased investment from the U.S. government in TB research and development; urges all countries to follow through on commitments made at the 2018 UN High-Level Meeting on TB.

Urgent funding boost and "reality check" needed to sustain HIV and TB progress (post with simple image)

In advance of Global Fund replenishment conference, MSF releases report showing that many countries are not financially ready to cover HIV/TB response alone as global funding and political interest wanes.

Global Fund donors pledge US$14 billion in fight to end epidemics (post with simple image)

Donors at the Global Fund's Sixth Replenishment Conference pledged US$14.02 billion for the next three years – the largest amount ever raised for a multilateral health organization, and the largest amount by the Global Fund.

Global TB Report 2019 (post with simple image)

7 million people receive record levels of lifesaving TB treatment but 3 million still miss out. TB remains the top infectious killer in the world.

Online consultation on the draft Global Plan to End TB (post with simple image)

Stop TB Partnership launches online consultation on the draft Global Plan to End TB 2018-2022; Deadline for submissions: 6 November 2019

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