Items tagged with Global TB response

South African Deputy President calls for stronger partnerships as Coordinating Board Meeting opens in Cape Town (post)

31 January 2014 - Cape Town, South Africa - The Deputy President of South Africa, Kgalema Motlanthe, today called for more support for partnerships to improve global health outcomes.

Uganda: Cheers for halving TB death figures (post)

Uganda has been recognised by the World Health Organisation for halving tuberculosis-related deaths down from 9,900 in 1990 to 4,700 in 2012.

IFRC and Global Fund target tuberculosis treatment for all in Niger (post)

Geneva – The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria have signed a grant agreement to fund universal treatment for tuberculosis (TB) in Niger, a country with one of the worst rates of TB in West Africa.

TB free breathing in the mines of South Africa: New TB vaccines could transform mining across the region (post)

In this guest post, Kari Stoever, vice president of External Affairs at Aeras, writes about how mine workers are disproportionately affected by tuberculosis (TB) and why there’s an urgent need for new tools against this deadly disease.

Winter Olympics medallist bikes in India for TB & MSF (post)

"I think if more people knew or understood the gravity of the global TB situation then more people would try to help..." Helen Upperton, Olympic Medallist on raising awareness about TB.

Lesotho achieves sustainable financing for procurement of TB drugs (post)

February 17 - Lesotho/Geneva - Lesotho has become one of the first Low Middle Income Countries from the African region to be able to make a transition into self-financing, for the procurement of adult first line drugs for tuberculosis without further dependence on a grant from the Global Drug Facility.

India: Political parties urged to include TB as critical health issue in election manifestos (post)

CHENNAI: The Partnership for TB Care and Control in India (PTCC), a coalition of over 170 organizations from across the country, has appealed to political parties to include tuberculosis as a critical public health issue in their election manifestos.

UNITAID seeking to fund innovative ideas - Call for letters of intent launched (post)

UNITAID is seeking to fund new innovative projects to increase access to treatment, diagnostic, and preventive products for HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis (TB), and malaria. In 2013 UNITAID approved over $160 million in funding.

Ukraine activists seek stability in HIV/TB funding in face of political turmoil (post)

Ukraine's HIV community including principal recipients of Global Fund grants have formally requested an expediting of the disbursement of Phase 2 funds under Round 10 in order to counteract the potential impact of the current political turmoil roiling the country.

WHO disapproves Kochon prize for Tibetan TB Programme (post)

The nomination by the Kochon selection committee of the Tibetan Tuberculosis Control Programme based at Delek Hospital, Dharamsala, India, for the Stop TB Partnership-Kochon Prize 2013 award—a prize worth US$65 000—for its work for more than 30 years to control tuberculosis in Tibetan refugees is a recognition of an important public health work in a vulnerable population. It could be seen as a thoughtful and much needed investment into a vital organisation directly involved in saving the lives of hundreds of young patients with tuberculosis. This selection was in agreement with the 2013 Kochon prize theme “[Tuberculosis] in conflict and refugee areas”.

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