Items tagged with Global TB response

Heads of State and Government endorse Political Declaration on TB (post with simple image)

The real job begins now - converting the Declaration into reality.

What is missing from the UN Political Declaration on TB? (post with simple image)

The Declaration falls short in its response to the leading infectious killer worldwide and the leading cause of death for people with HIV around the world.

Public–private mix for TB prevention and care: a roadmap (post with simple image)

First-ever targeted roadmap outlines steps to scale-up public-private health sector engagement to end TB.

Checklist of essential TB services (post with simple image)

A new checklist from Treatment Action Group lays out simply the core elements of an adequate TB response.

World TB Day 2019 theme announced (post with simple image)

IT'S TIME... to get ready for World TB Day 2019!

New TAG report: Funding for TB research climbed to new high in 2017 (post with simple image)

Global funding for TB research climbed to a previously unreported high of USD $772 million in 2017.

AIDS, TB and malaria: Don't be infected by indifference: Sign a petition! (post with simple image)

The petition will be delivered to the Heads of States and Governments prior to the next Global Fund replenishment conference in October 2019.

Revamped WHO Civil Society Task Force (post with simple image)

The World Health Organization has revamped its Civil Society Task Force on TB to strengthen collaboration for accelerating progress towards ending TB.

IT'S TIME for World TB Day 2019 (post with simple image)

#WorldTBDay2019 campaign starts now; The Stop TB Partnership releases World TB Day 2019 campaign toolkit.

World TB Day 2019: IT'S TIME for action! (post with simple image)

The World Health Organization releases advocacy and communications materials to support awareness building and promotion in the lead up to and on World TB Day.

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