World Health Organization

WHO steps up the Director-General’s Flagship Initiative to combat TB

WHO announces the expanded scope of the WHO Director-General’s Flagship Initiative on TB over the period 2023-2027 to support fast-tracking progress towards ending TB and achieving Universal Health Coverage by 2030.

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WHO: World TB Day Advocacy & Communications Toolkit

The World Health Organization launches the World TB Day Advocacy & Communications Toolkit, featuring key messages and calls to action, as well as promotional posters, tiles and infographics.

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WHO: Call for applications for training on national strategic planning for TB

The World Health Organization (WHO) launched a call for applications to expand its global pool of consultants providing technical assistance to National TB Programs throughout the strategic planning process.

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Multi-stakeholder hearing on TB

The Multi-stakeholder hearing on TB will be held on 8-9 May 2023, providing an opportunity for all relevant stakeholders to contribute to the ongoing preparatory process for the upcoming UN High-Level Meeting on TB.

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WHO: World TB Day 2023 campaign

The World Health Organization releases an advocacy and communications package to support awareness building and drive action across all levels, in the lead up to and on World TB Day.

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How Myanmar achieved the 2020 milestone of reducing TB disease burden

Myanmar is the only country in the World Health Organization’s South-East Asia Region to achieve the 2020 deadline for the Sustainable Development Goals target of 20% reduction of TB incidence from the 2015 baseline. Collaboration of the public and private sectors has played an important role in the efforts to control TB. An increase in government spending on TB, newer diagnostic tools, use of mobile clinics, and making treatment affordable are some of the key elements of Myanmar’s approach to combat TB.

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Adaptation and implementation of WHO’s multisectoral accountability framework to end TB (‎MAF-TB)‎: best practices

The World Health Organization (WHO) released a compilation of best practices that includes case studies on adaptation and implementation of WHO’s Multisectoral Accountability Framework to end TB (MAF-TB) to support effective collaboration and accountability of governments and stakeholders at the global, regional and country levels to propel progress towards ending the TB epidemic.  

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Invitation for public comments on draft WHO tuberculosis target product profiles

The World Health Organization (WHO) invites all stakeholders to comment by 9 March 2023 on the latest drafts of the target regimen profiles (TRPs) for TB treatment and the target product profiles (TPPs) for tests for TB treatment monitoring and optimization, by means of online feedback forms.

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Launch of global individual patient data platform for TB treatment

31 January 2023: WHO is announcing the publicly accessible global individual patient data (IPD) platform for tuberculosis treatment (TB-IPD), an initiative that will increase the knowledge base for normative guidance on optimal treatment modalities for tuberculosis (TB) and stimulate TB research. 

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Practical manual on TB laboratory strengthening, 2022 update


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