Laura Lopez Gonzalez

South Africa: Minister does not join call for DR-TB emergency

Despite activists’ pleas, Minister of Health Dr Aaron Motsoaledi has not joined almost 800 health workers and experts in supporting the call to declare drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB) a public health emergency.

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South Africa: Antiretrovirals credited for TB decline

South Africa is seeing about 79,000 fewer TB cases annually thanks to increased HIV treatment uptake, according to the latest research from the National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NCID)

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South Africa: Litigation threat may prompt access to cheaper DR-TB drug

South Africa may finally allow access to a cheaper form of the drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB) drug linezolid following the lodging of a high court case.

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South Africa: Thousands of prisoners may have undiagnosed TB

TAC and Section27 have delivered the second of two civil society memorandums at the South African TB Conference: "A prison sentence should not be a death sentence: We need a serious, urgent, public and monitored plan to stop TB in prisons".

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South Africa: DR-TB a ‘public health emergency’ - activists

Civil society groups have called for government to declare drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB) a public health emergency, as the DR-TB response remains underfunded.

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South Africa: Government to introduce new drug-resistant TB drugs

Government’s small-scale introduction of the first new TB drug in four decades is saving lines and paving the way for more, better and cheaper drugs to treat drug-resistant TB. Many wonder if they will come fast enough for those who need them.

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South Africa: TB may be the new threat to mothers

Deaths among pregnant women and new mothers may finally be falling in South Africa, but the proportion of these deaths due to an age-old disease may be rising, say experts.

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South Africa: Multidrug-resistant TB cases double

Diagnosed cases of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) have nearly doubled globally but treatment in countries like South Africa's is not keeping up, leaving patients to die and communities at risk, according to a new World Health Organisation report.

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