Laura Lopez Gonzalez

Delamanid clinical access programme expected in South Africa

The South African National Department of Health is expected to roll out a clinical access programme to allow drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB) patients access to the new drug delamanid.

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South Africa: More than R130 million slated for new TB drugs

In just four years, South Africa has seen a 40-fold increase in health facilities treating drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB) as government pledges more than R130 million for new medicines.

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South Africa: Drug stock outs hit more than one in 10 health facilities

HIV and tuberculosis (TB) drug stock outs have hit about 14 percent of health facilities nationwide in the last nine months, according to a new study released today by civil society coalition the Stop Stock Outs Project.

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South Africa: Poor management blamed for bulk of drug stock outs

Health Minister Dr Aaron Motsoaledi has blamed manufacturers for shortages of medicines including HIV and tuberculosis drugs, but a civil society coalition has alleged 80 percent of stock outs are due to poor management.

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SA hosts world’s first study into better XDR-TB treatment

South African scientists are spearheading the world’s first trial into shorter and better treatment for tuberculosis (XDR-TB), which kills about half of all those diagnosed with the condition in South Africa.

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Cape Town TB activist to hear again

Phumeza Tisile, 24, was told that she would die three times before she beat extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis (XDR-TB). She survived but lost her hearing. Now, an outpouring of goodwill has given it back to her.

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Better data unearths more TB cases than previously thought

Better data has revealed more than half a million more tuberculosis (TB) cases than previously thought, according to a World Health Organisation (WHO) report released yesterday (22 October).

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South Africa: Multinational pharmaceutical companies push back on new patent policy

As extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis (XDR-TB) patients beg for a new patent policy to allow them affordable treatment, multinational pharmaceutical companies have objected to some of the draft policy’s key tenets.

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XDR-TB patients smuggle pills as treatment priced out of reach

With treatment priced out of reach, some extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis (XDR-TB) patients face a tough choice: Break the law or die.

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6 ways to fix South Africa’s HIV response

South African sex workers may have one of the world’s highest HIV prevalence rates and addressing this is just one of six ways South African National AIDS Council (SANAC) CEO Dr Fareed Abdullah says the country can fix its HIV response.

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