Stop TB Partnership

Management Sciences for Health (MSH): A costing study for TB treatment in Indonesia

26 March 2014 - Jakarta - Indonesia has made efforts expanding tuberculosis (TB) control over the last few years, with significant assistance from donors, such as the Global Fund Against AIDS, TB and Malaria. But there is a need to increase coverage of treatment, given challenges such as MDR-TB. Donor funds are likely to be constrained in the future.

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World Tuberculosis Day - 24 March 2014

In 2014, the slogan for World Tuberculosis Day is "Reach the 3 million".

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Brochure: Reach the 3 Million

WHO, Stop TB Partnership and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB & Malaria launch joint brochure on Reaching the 3 Million for World TB Day.

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Progress in diagnosing multidrug-resistant tuberculosis

Innovative project expands access to new test: the project known as EXPAND-TB helped to triple the number of MDR-TB cases diagnosed in participating countries.

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US$13.9 million in new funding announced for TB REACH Wave 4 projects

The Stop TB Partnership’s Coordinating Board has approved US$13.9 million in new funding for partners implementing TB REACH projects.

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World TB Day: A “3 Million” brochure

Download a brochure that explains the problem of how and why there are so many people not reached by TB services every year and what can be done to address that.

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Lesotho achieves sustainable financing for procurement of TB drugs

February 17 - Lesotho/Geneva - Lesotho has become one of the first Low Middle Income Countries from the African region to be able to make a transition into self-financing, for the procurement of adult first line drugs for tuberculosis without further dependence on a grant from the Global Drug Facility.

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World TB Day 2014: Reach the 3 million. Find. Treat. Cure TB.

The World TB Day materials are now available on the Stop TB Partnership website.

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Winter Olympics medallist bikes in India for TB & MSF

"I think if more people knew or understood the gravity of the global TB situation then more people would try to help..." Helen Upperton, Olympic Medallist on raising awareness about TB.

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Call for Nominations - GLI Core Group Membership

The Global Laboratory Initiative (GLI) Working Group, Stop TB Partnership is announcing an open Call for Nominations for members to serve on the GLI Core Group in 2014-2015.

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