Stop TB Partnership

New report estimates that failure to address drug-resistant TB and other infections will cause $100 trillion economic loss by 2050

Spending on TB research from private-sector companies dropped 11.8% from 2012 to 2013 to less than $100 million. The status quo of declining investment in developing new TB drugs must end.

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BRICS Health Ministers make historic commitment and agree to cooperation plan on TB at BRICS Ministers of Health Meeting in Brazil

5th December, 2014 - Brasilia, Brazil - Ministers of Health from Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa made historic commitments today in the fight against tuberculosis at the BRICS Health Ministers Meeting in Brasilia, Brazil.

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REACH Ethiopia sets the bar high as winner of this year's Stop TB Partnership Kochon Prize

28 October 2014 - Barcelona, Spain - The 2014 Kochon Prize prize was awarded to REACH Ethiopia today at the Global TB Symposium, an annual event at the 45th World Conference of the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease. The team are a small locally registered entity who successfully implemented a TB REACH project in the Sidama zone of Ethiopia.

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Stop TB Partnership publication: Improving tuberculosis case detection

A compendium of TB REACH case studies, lessons learned and a monitoring and evaluation framework.

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Community Corner at 2014 Union World Conference on Lung Health

The Community Corner is a space for all Union conference attendees to gather, discuss, debate and share ideas on the most pressing issues facing the fight against tuberculosis.

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Invitation to bid for the selection of First Line anti-TB drugs

22 October 2014 - Geneva - On behalf of the Global Drug Facility (GDF) of the Stop TB Partnership, IDA Foundation, the GDF contracted procurement agent invites all eligible suppliers to submit a bid for the First Line anti-TB drugs described in this Invitation to Bid (ITB).

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Stop TB Partnership: Another year - same trends: why change is essential in TB now more than ever before

23 October 2014 - Geneva - The battle against tuberculosis is losing strength according to the new data published in this year’s WHO Global Tuberculosis Report. The WHO report is the important tool that gives us all the best indication on whether we have made progress and how far or close we are in reaching our targets. This year is a reminder that if we want to see a real bend in the TB curve, we need to get out of our comfort zone, push the boundaries and really challenge ourselves and our entire TB community.

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Stop TB Partnership at the 45th Union World Conference on Lung Health

Dear Partners, Colleagues & Friends,

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AIDS leaders call on advocates to join together to fight AIDS and TB in Melbourne

The 2014 International AIDS Conference in Melbourne concluded on 25th July with a renewed commitment by the AIDS community to unite efforts against AIDS and TB. Addressing the 14,000 delegates attending the conference during the opening ceremony, UNAIDS Executive Director Michel Sidibé said “We cannot run away from the TB epidemic among people with HIV. All our efforts to keep people with HIV alive will be lost if they die from TB.”

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The Stop TB Partnership to move its Secretariat from WHO to UNOPS

16 July 2014 - Seattle, USA - The Stop TB Partnership decided today to move its Secretariat from the World Health Organization to the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) early in 2015.

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