International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease

April 2014 issue of the IJTLD now online

The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (IJTLD) is the official publication of the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union).

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Otsuka and The Union announce Global TB Research & Innovation Award

-- Program fosters young leaders in TB research

-- Honorees will receive grant to attend international training in TB control strategies and showcase their research at the 45th Union World Conference on Lung Health

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Publication: A framework for integrating childhood tuberculosis into community-based health care

The document outlines community-based strategies for integrating childhood TB activities with other maternal and child health care services through existing diagnosis and management algorithms.

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Zimbabwe PHC clinics cascade TB-HIV care successfully: The story of Phakama Clinic

Phakama Clinic is one of the 23 urban clinics supported since 2012 through The Union’s TB CARE project in 17 urban areas of Zimbabwe. Located in a high-density suburb of the City of Gwanda, provincial capital of Matabeleland South Province, Phakama Clinic is the only one participating in the project that is run by the local authority.

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The Union’s TB CARE project lights up TB-HIV clinics in Zimbabwe with solar power

The introduction of solar power in 23 clinics offering TB-HIV integrated services with support from The Union Zimbabwe Office has greatly improved the efficiency and effectiveness of these health facilities. Clinic activities ranging from the refrigeration of vaccines to patient recordkeeping are no longer disrupted by power cuts, thanks to the new solar panels.

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The Union SEAR Conference to be held in Dhaka on 9–12 March 2014

The 2nd Conference of The Union South-East Asia Region will take place in Dhaka, Bangladesh on 9–12 March 2013. The theme of the conference is “TB in 2050: Challenge to Humanity”. An attractive and diverse conference has been designed by the organising committee. The conference will feature sessions devoted to newly emerging topics such as drug resistance/MDR-TB treatment management, TB in children and LTBI treatment, TB and non-communicable disease/co-morbidities (non-HIV), diabetes and TB, TB nursing and allied professionals, community participation in lung health, the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, MPOWER and tobacco control policies, advocacy, human rights and ethics.

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The Union NAR Conference in Boston on 27 February–1 March 2014

The 18th Annual Conference of The Union North America Region is taking place in Boston, Massachusetts on 27 February – 1 March 2014. The theme of the conference is “Stronger together: Stopping TB from laboratory to clinic”. The conference will provide new insights into the public health and scientific aspects of TB prevention, care and control. Symposia will focus on global TB epidemiology and control, support and management of patients with complex medical and/or behavioural conditions, multi-drug resistance, latency and key developments in laboratory tools and science.

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Is involuntary incarceration of TB patients justifiable?

The issue of whether it is justifiable to subject people with tuberculosis to involuntary incarceration is a highly controversial one. It pits individual human rights against the interests of public health and raises questions about who should have the power to make such an important legal and ethical question – doctors, health officials or the courts?

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Union study provides findings on best rifabutin dosage for TB patients on antiretroviral therapy

The results of a phase II pharmacokinetics study conducted by The Union and its partners in Vietnam were published today in the scientific journal PlosOne. The study assessed different doses of rifabutin in combination with protease inhibitor-based antiretroviral therapy (ART) for HIV-infected patients who are also infected with TB. 

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January 2014 issue of the IJTLD now online

The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (IJTLD) is the official publication of the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union).

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