International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease

December 2013 issue of the IJTLD now online

The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (IJTLD) is the official publication of the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union).

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Public Health Action supplement on diabetes and tuberculosis

Public Health Action is The Union's free access, online journal which aims to promote the vision of The Union, Health solutions for the poor, by disseminating new knowledge on health systems and health services for vulnerable groups, with a priority on tuberculosis, lung health, non-communicable diseases and related public health issues.

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US$ 48 million in funding to extend The Union's fight against TB

4 November 2013/ Paris, France – At the close of the 44th Union World Conference on Lung Health, the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union) today announced it has received US $48 million in new funds for TB control in some of the world's hardest-hit countries and to continue critical areas of operational research.

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Awards honour advances against TB/HIV and MDR-TB

1 November 2013 / Paris, France –The International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union) last night presented awards for scientific achievement and public health excellence to an eminent South African researcher and an innovative multidrug-resistant TB project launched in Siberia . Dr Kogieleum Naidoo received the annual Union Scientific prize for her published research on TB-HIV, and the Tomsk Oblast Tuberculosis and Pulmonology Medical Center in Russia received the Karel Styblo Public Health Prize for piloting the use of DOTS-Plus -Directly Observed Treatment, Short Course, for multidrug resistant TB (MDR-TB) - to combat MDR-TB.

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First new TB drug in fifty years risks being squandered without better research and pricing strategies

New TB drug bedaquiline illustrates need for paradigm shift in developing and ensuring accessto new treatment combinations.

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The Union to hold 2nd President’s Centennial Dinner on 30 October in Paris

The Union will kick off the 44th Union World Conference on Lung Health with a gala fundraising dinner to be held on Wednesday, 30 October, in Paris, France. The 2nd President's Centennial Dinner is raising funds for education and research as part of The Union Centennial Campaign (1920-2020). 

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First-ever targeted roadmap outlines steps to end childhood TB deaths

Cost to end deaths from childhood TB estimated to be at least US$120 million annually.

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Childhood TB Roadmap to be launched on 1 October in Washington, DC

The World Health Organization, The Union, the Stop TB Partnership, USAID, CDC, the Treatment Action Group and UNICEF will launch a roadmap outlining the path towards zero deaths from childhood tuberculosis.

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44th Union World Conference on Lung Health will focus on “Shared air, safe air?”

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Read the latest issue of The Union's Public Health Action

Read articles on topics from nutrition and gender-based violence to MDR-TB treatment needs and paediatric in-patient care in war-torn Somalia in the new issue of Public Health Action, The Union's open access journal.

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