TB advocates

Advocates encourage prioritization of drug-resistant TB research

TB advocates encourage the Global Antimicrobial Resistance Innovation Fund to prioritize research and development for drug-resistant TB.

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Advocates call for the Philippines Food and Drug Administration to register delamanid

TB advocates encourage the Philippines Food and Drug Administration to approve delamanid, an important treatment option for people with multidrug-resistant TB.

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Advocates encourage the establishment of an essential diagnostics list

A resource to efficiently and proactively communicate to country governments the diagnostic tests that are worthy and indeed essential for approval and use is needed.

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Advocates call on pharma companies to improve access to MDR-TB drugs

TB advocates urge Janssen and Otsuka to improve the affordability and availability of bedaquiline and delamanid.

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Activists urge Indian government to fix deadly gaps in its TB response

Activists take over a session at the Union conference in Liverpool bringing awareness and attention to a number of broken promises by the Indian government to address a growing drug-resistant TB epidemic that burdens the nation.

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Advocates appeal to the Union Board to host Union World Conferences on Lung Health in high TB burden countries

TB advocates ask that, at a minimum, every second Union World Conference be held in a country with a high burden of TB and/or lung disease.

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Advocates call for the Ministry of Health in Cote d’Ivoire to adopt new TB test

TB advocates urge the Ministry of Health in Cote d’Ivoire to introduce a new, simple, and rapid TB test, TB LAM, which detects TB antigens in urine, and is an important tool for detecting TB in certain populations living with HIV.

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Advocates commend Johns Hopkins University for pursuing a public health driven path for sutezolid’s development

TB advocates congratulate Johns Hopkins University’s decision to enter negotiations with the Medicines Patent Pool regarding the licensing of worldwide non-exclusive rights to sutezolid.

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Advocates call for WHO to update Delamanid Guidance to include children

On World TB Day, and in light of new evidence of safety in children, advocates called on the World Health Organization to update its 2014 guidance on delamanid to include children.

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Non-governmental organizations and civil society groups advocate for TB in U.S. government FY2017 appropriations

As planning for U.S. government spending in fiscal year (FY) 2017 is underway, advocates from U.S.-based NGOs and civil society groups have appealed to legislators to prioritize TB.

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