TB advocates

Advocates call on Kenyan government to fast track implementation of new TB diagnostic tools

TB advocates urge the Kenyan government to overcome regulatory barriers to efficiently implement new TB and HIV diagnostic tools.

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Advocates call for a transparent process to determine the next WHO Global TB Program Director

TB advocates call for a competitive selection process that gives full consideration to a range of candidates to identify an experienced, change-oriented leader.

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Advocates call on Romanian authorities to ensure universal access to TB treatment

TB advocates urge the Romanian government to take immediate action to ensure availability of all TB treatment.

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Advocates call on Indian authorities to ensure immediate access to delamanid

TB advocates urge the Indian government to develop a concrete plan for introducing delamanid.

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Advocates call on Kenyan DLTLD to adopt new TB test

TB advocates urge the Kenyan Division of Leprosy, Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (DLTLD) to introduce a new, simple, and rapid TB test, TB LAM, which detects TB antigens in urine, and is an important tool for detecting TB in certain populations living with HIV.

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Advocates call on Otsuka to ensure access to delamanid in South Africa

TB advocates urge Otsuka to provide sufficient and sustainable access to delamanid for the treatment of drug-resistant TB in South Africa.

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Advocates call on PEPFAR to roll out LAM test

TB advocates urge PEPFAR to provide immediate access to the LAM test for TB diagnosis in HIV-positive people with advanced immunosuppression.

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Advocates call on Sequella to provide open access to sutezolid data

TB advocates appeal to Sequella to act in the interest of public health and provide open access to all existing sutezolid data.

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Health groups call on Indian Government to urgently make life-saving TB drug available

Health groups call on the Indian Government to incorporate the life-saving TB drug delamanid into the Revised National TB Control Programme.

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Advocates call on the Indian Prime Minister to ensure availability of new TB drugs to combat drug-resistant TB

Advocates urge Prime Minister Modi to take immediate action to save a young woman, dying of XDR-TB and to roll out life-saving innovations to tackle the growing burden of drug-resistant TB in India.

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